Alien Mysteries: The Animal & Human Mutilation case

Now, I came across the mystery subjects based on the Cattle Mutilations to which I find it very intriguing and strange. The UFO Journalist and researcher Linda Multon Howe has done some extraordinary documentaries like "Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms 1989", "Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles 2002", "Sightings 1991" just to name a few. The reader can look up her website and Youtube channel called "Earthfiles", if interested. But first here is a Wiki excerpt based on "Cattle Mutilation":

"Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision and unexplained livestock death) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual, usually bloodless, and anomalous circumstances. Worldwide, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, bison, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions; often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, lymph nodes, genitals and rectum are removed." "Since the first reports of animal mutilations, various explanations have been offered, ranging from natural decomposition and normal predation to cults and secretive governmental and military agencies, to a range of speculations, including cryptid predators (like the chupacabra) and extraterrestrials. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States."

"The earliest known documented outbreak of unexplained livestock deaths occurred in early 1606 "...about the city of London and some of the shires adjoining. Whole slaughters of sheep have been made, in some places to number 100, in others less, where nothing is taken from the sheep but their tallow and some inward parts, the whole carcasses, and fleece remaining still behind. Of this sundry conjectures, but most agree that it tendeth towards some fireworks." The outbreak was noted in the official records of the Court of James I of England. Charles Fort collected many accounts of cattle mutilations that occurred in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." "John Keel mentioned investigating animal mutilation cases in 1966 (while with Ivan T. Sanderson) that were being reported in the Upper Ohio River Valley, around Gallipolis, Ohio. The phenomenon remained largely unknown outside cattle-raising communities until 1967, when the Pueblo Chieftain in Pueblo, Colorado, published a story about a horse named Lady near Alamosa, Colorado, that was mysteriously killed and mutilated. The story was republished by the wider press and distributed nationwide; this case was the first to feature speculation that extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects were associated with mutilation."

Very interesting as this was reported as early as the 1600s. Upon researching this subject there are many theories or explanations detailing this case to be from Satanism, to the Government's involvment for an experiment, natural causes, to hooligans etc. However, to this as "Extraterrestrial matters" would seem to be passed off as mere fantasy and conspiracy theorist. It seems that people can state how the term "Satanism" is merely either subjective or nonesensical to most.  

Now, could people be killing the animals in this style and be offering it to Satan? (As Satan is subjective) Well, if the person (and the Military) have time to not get seen, but patiently make incisions to certain parts of the animal while draining the blood (simultaneously), would have to be the accurate and smooth in their escape (Plus, to do this in the dark is quite challenging I would state).

Now, there is the blood letting practices and some human sacrifices that is done towards the Gods, as it's vehemently described in the Bible. But as far as taking certain body parts only details that this has to be a different method of operation, as certain body parts are taken and how there is little to no blood left on the bodies. Apparently, this is what Linda describes these gruesome mutilations, as the same signs that is distributed on the animals are the little to no blood in the body, careful incisioned body parts, to the internal organs missing. A person would have to have a big group coming along with a device to suck the blood of the animal dry, then take certain internal organs out. Apparently, there are many articles and NEWS coverage based on this topic......

Based from "" states this: Drained Blood, Medically Precise Cuts, And Unanswered Questions: The Cattle Mutilations: "Although there is a mountain of theories and claims to explain them, cases of cattle mutilation have perplexed researchers, investigators, and law enforcement for decades. Indeed, the phenomenon remains as unexplained today as it did when cases began to pile up during the 1970s. The fact is, though, the cattle mutilation problem is very real. After all, we have the remains of these unfortunate animals as a grim testament to just how real it is. And while a great many of these mutilations involve cows or bulls, sheep, goats, horses, deer, and even cats, dogs, and rabbits have been discovered in a similar state of medically precise mutilation. But what might be behind them?"

"Are they the victims of an unknown alien experiment or research program? If so, how might our collective existence fit into to such speculative extraterrestrial experiments, and will they prove to beneficial or drastically detrimental to us? Or is a top-secret government department responsible for these brutally medically precise acts? Whether it is one of the above, random acts of satanic groups, or simply some kind of sophisticated if questionable hoax, cases of cattle mutilations continue to leave those who investigate and research them largely at a loss as to why they are taking place. Before we examine some of the most intriguing and disturbing cases of cattle mutilation, however, we will examine, albeit briefly, how the phenomenon introduced itself to the consciousness of the world’s populace."

A Brief History And Explanation Of The Cattle Mutilation Phenomena: "We have examined what is arguably the first case of cattle mutilation previously, that of Snippy the Horse (who was actually named Lady). So, while we will not go over that case here, we will most certainly examine some of the many other accounts on record from across the world. It is perhaps, though, worth mentioning what could very well be the first case of cattle mutilation on record from London in 1606 as noted in the official court records of James I."

"The records note that “whole slaughters of sheep” had occurred “where nothing is taken from the sheep but their tallow and some inward parts”. There were other similar cases in the late 1800s and early 1900s as recorded by Charles Fort, while in Texas, a horse was discovered dead with surgically precise cuts carried out in order to remove its entire nervous system."

"Its face had also been completely stripped to the bone. What is particularly interesting about this mutilation is that it occurred in the exact same territory as a wave of sheep mutilations over a century later in 2013. As we can see, then, while the notion of cattle mutilation as we understand it today didn’t seep into the public consciousness until the late-1960s and 1970s, it is a phenomenon that has likely been with us for centuries."

"Without a doubt, though, following the Snippy the Horse case, not only were the wider population very much aware of these bizarre and chilling animal mutilations, as the 1970s unfolded, they began to happen all over the country. While such mutilations occur around the United States (and indeed the world) certain locations appear to be much more active in this grim phenomenon than others."

"For example, according to an FBI report carried out in the late 1970s there were as many as 8,000 mutilations that had occurred in the state of Colorado alone. And, as we will examine briefly shortly, Colorado is one of the hottest spots of all for cattle mutilation. They continue to occur around the world today, often in short waves (although not exclusively), and often defy reasonable explanations."

Grim Details And Even Grimmer Possibilities: "It might also be appropriate to examine some of the recurring, and grisly details of these harrowing incidents, as well as some of the most popular theories as to what might be behind them. For example, these unfortunate animals are often found with every drop of blood drained from its body – something that has been carried to such a standard that most often there are no signs of blood anywhere in the region where the animals are discovered."

"Furthermore, there are very often a series of precise medical cuts to the animals with certain body parts, in some cases, having been equally precisely removed – as if by a person with advanced medical knowledge of such procedures. In other cases, as well as the above, the animal’s internal organs have either been removed or reduced to a strange mush. And in other cases, the skin, muscle, and tissue around the face has been completely stripped to the bone. Furthermore, and once more leading toward the involvement of highly advanced technology, chemicals not often discovered in animals are often found, as well as increased levels of others."

"So, just what is behind such terrifying attacks? Perhaps one of the most recurring assertions is that extraterrestrials are behind the cattle mutilation phenomena, maybe as part of some kind of monitoring experiment regarding life on earth. Some suggest those behind the attacks could indeed be human but, as outrageous as it might sound to some, they are time-travelers from the future. Of course, if this is true and we assume that time travel has become possible in the decades or centuries that are yet to unfold, then we have to ask what has taken place in the future that requires such drastic and specific action. Others believe that a top-secret government program is likely behind the mutilations, and there is a small plethora of reasons offered for why this might be."

"For example, perhaps the motivation would be nothing more than monitoring food supplies in an attempt to prevent the spread of disease? Or perhaps the reasons are much darker and might have connections to cloning the world’s food. There are also those who believe these cases contain a satanic element to them, and could possibly be a part of rituals, or even sacrifices. And while these suggestions are perhaps more easily dismissed than others, they deserve to remain on the collective backburner of our minds." 

The “Interrupted” Cattle Mutilation Of Cannock Chase: "Perhaps a good place to start examining these bizarre and monstrous mutilation cases is in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire in the United Kingdom, where in 1985 an apparent “interrupted” cattle mutilation incident occurred. The account comes to us from the files of veteran UFO and paranormal researcher and author, Nick Redfern."

"According to the report, a father and son were driving home one evening in the Cannock Chase area at around 8:30 pm when they noticed something strange ahead of them. The youngster saw it first – a triangular-shaped object hovering over one of the fields that lined the roadside. The ground below the bizarre craft was lit up brightly by three lights on the underside of the vehicle."

"Realizing they were seeing something out of the norm, they brought their car to the side of the road and exited the vehicle. They each moved a little closer to the edge of the road, continuing to keep the strange object in the sight. They watched the craft for several minutes, noticing how it didn’t make a single sound. Then, without any warning, the craft zipped away at breakneck speed."

"The pair jumped back in their car, eager to get home so they could contact the local police and report what they had seen. However, that was where an already strange incident turned even stranger. Thinking they would merely record what he reported and then that would be the end of it, the pair were rather surprised that two police officers were sent to their home to take statements from them in person."

"Even stranger, during the course of the interviews, the pair were told it had been a mistake for them to “get out of the car”. Whatever the reason for this was not given. Nor was any kind of explanation for what they might have seen. The two officers simply left leaving the witnesses with even more unanswered questions than they had before they made their report."

Caught In The Act? "It was two days later when another incident unfolded involving an almost identical craft. And more importantly for our purposes here, might suggest an attempted cattle mutilation. On this occasion, the main witness was in the countryside of Cannock Chase at a little after 4 am with friends who were hunting ducks. During this hunting trip, he noticed a strange light moving with significant pace overhead. That was until it brought itself to an apparent controlled stop over several cows that were in a field underneath."

"Enthralled with what he was seeing, the witness moved closer to the field. When he did so, however, it appeared that whatever intelligence was behind the craft noticed his presence. Within seconds, several bizarre and futuristic light beams shot out from the object. Now, a little more frightened than he was only seconds earlier, the witness turned and ran back to the cover of the woodland. By the time he had the courage to return to the scene, the object had gone."

"Was this a case of a cattle mutilation that was interrupted? Was that also the purpose of the UFO sighting only two days earlier? And if so, why would the presence of someone powerless to stop the abduction of a lone cow cause the perpetrators to stop? Perhaps most crucial of all, if the purpose of these sightings was to abduct and mutilate cattle, does that confirm an extraterrestrial involvement in such cases? Of course, that is if we assume that the intelligence behind these strange aerial objects is of an extraterrestrial nature. They might, as some people believe, be top-secret vehicles of the world’s militaries. And if that is the case, what is the purpose and end goal of these brutal mutilation cases?"

Cattle Mutilations Across The United Kingdom: "We will stay in the United Kingdom, and mainland Europe, for a little while longer, as such cattle mutilations that we might more readily associate with ranches across the United States also take place there. We will start, though, with a spate of mutilations that occurred during the summer of 2010 when several sheep were discovered mutilated."

"The “Star Wars” Type Technology Of The 2010 Sheep Mutilations During the opening months of 2010 in Shrewsbury, England, various farmers would make the grim discovery of the mutilated corpses of their respective sheep. And these corpses contained many of the same injuries and evidence of precise procedures as the more traditional cow and bull mutilations. For example, some of these unfortunate sheep were discovered with their faces completely stripped of flesh. And rather than simply having been torn away in a rage, it was removed with the utmost skill and precision."

"Even more disturbing, some of the sheep were discovered with a hole in their heads, seemingly neatly drilled and with their brains completely removed. Other harrowing discoveries were the clean and precise removal of various internal organs and other, medically precise sample-like cuts. Perhaps strangest of all were the claims from some that they even witnessed laser-type beams aimed at sheep below, coming from strange aerial crafts above them. Other witnesses to these strange events would state that they witnessed orange spheres in the skies over the fields the sheep called home."

"The events seemed to reach a culmination of sorts in March 2010 while a team of on-site investigators were in the middle of their investigation. On the night in question, the investigators (16 in total) witnessed many of the strange UFOs that farmers and local residents had claimed to have seen over the previous weeks. Even more amazing, several of those investigators even witnessed what appeared to be actual attacks on the sheep, seemingly using “Star Wars”-type technology. The morning following these events, it was discovered that many of the farms in the area were missing sheep, with some reporting the discoveries of further carcasses from their flocks. The events then died down as quickly as they had begun and remain unexplained still to this day."

The Mysterious Horse Attacks of 2011/2012: "Around a year after the strange sheep mutilations, in and around the Shrewsbury area, another wave of attacks unfolded – this time involving horses in various parts of the United Kingdom. And while the events in Shrewsbury certainly suggest some kind of UFO connection, the horse attacks of 2011, which continued into 2012, lend themselves to other dark possibilities – satanic rituals."

"The main reasons for this was that many of the mutilated horses were discovered around key dates in the Satanic calendar – specifically, St. Winebald Day. However, while investigators were bound to follow up such possibilities, it was thought the injuries were of too precise and medically advanced nature as to be the work of such cults."

"On this occasion, though, there were other explanations offered that might have much more credibility. Some researchers and interested parties suggested that the mutilations were carried out as part of a top-secret experiment in light of a recent equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) outbreak. And this outbreak had seemingly spread quickly through equestrian environments around the world, from the United States to Canada and as far as Europe. Whether these particular spate of horse attacks were a one-off and unique to whatever program was behind it or whether they are the consequences of the same intelligence behind other such animal mutilations around the world remains open to debate."

The Mutilation Cases Of Wales Of The 2000s: "Without a doubt one of the most intriguing and unnerving cases of cattle mutilation took place in Wales and went on for over a decade. What’s more after studying these attacks for almost 12 years, the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) would announce that their strongest conclusion was that extraterrestrial intelligence was behind them." "Not only did investigators point to the laser-like precision of the cuts, as well as the draining of every last bit of blood on the bodies of the sheep, they also noted that many of the farmers whose sheep had been attacked had also noted strange lights on the evenings the respective attacks were carried out. Furthermore, when investigators spoke to other local residents of the areas the attacks took place, they would seemingly corroborate the respective farmers by declaring their own sightings of bizarre light overhead."

"Investigator Phil Hoyle would elaborate that they were “looking into the UFO connection and things people are describing unconventional things entering the sea and leaving the sea”. Wales was, investigators would determine, an apparent hot spot for animal mutilations of the precise kind witnessed between 2001 and 2013 and were “very sophisticated” to the point where hoaxers or satanic cults had to be ruled out as reasonable possibilities."

"Of course, it is perhaps also interesting to note that Wales, at least parts of it along the coast, is also a hot spot for UFO sightings. Some of the injuries discovered on the dead sheep were almost identical to those found during the sheep attacks in Shrewsbury in 2010 that we examined earlier, while very precise holes discovered drilled into their bodies. Others had skin and other samples of body parts removed, while some had their faces completely stripped to clean to the bone. The mutilations remain largely unexplained."

"The Cherry Brook Valley Discovery: "There are many other animal mutilation cases that have unfolded in the United Kingdom. Many of these have been documented by veteran paranormal researcher and author, Nick Redfern. And it is to his research files that we turn to examine our next case. One that took place in the spring of 1977 in Cherry Brook Valley in Dartmoor, England. On the day in question, a local resident, Alan Hicks, was walking across this stretch of land when he, along with his children who were accompanying him, discovered 15 dead wild ponies, all of which, according to a newspaper article on the find several months after the discovery, had “their bodies mangled and torn”.

"Those with interests in the UFO phenomenon immediately made their way to the area in order to find proof of extraterrestrial involvement. At the same time, other investigators suggested the herd might have been poisoned or simply suffered from a lack of food before dying and becoming victims of scavengers. The Dartmoor Pony Society even suggested that the unfortunate horses had likely succumbed to disease and the former, unknown owner of them had likely brought their corpses here to discard of them. Things became very quiet regarding the case for almost a decade and a half until the early 1990s when the director for the Center for Fortean Zoology, Jonathan Downes, began to examine the details of the case. During his investigation, he managed to locate and speak with several of the people who had been involved in the incident at the time....."

(The reader can read the rest from this person's Website)

Now, upon coming upon the subject of the animal Mutilation, I also came across topics like the "human mutilation", to which people think wouldn't happen in the same manner, but apparently does. Based from the website "" states this:

"Bizarre Cases of Mysterious Human Mutilations and Strange Deaths", by Brent Swancer June 21, 2017: "One of the most gruesome, sinister, and completely intriguing of phenomena connected to the phenomenon of UFOs is that of the dark world of cattle mutilations. By some accounts, for some reason, it seems that whatever is behind these strange lights in the sky also has a liking for targeting various livestock for some impromptu surgery and mutilation, often ending up with carcasses that show a variety of strange features such as almost selectively missing organs, strangely precise cuts, a lack of deterioration, and no rotting stench pervading the area. This is all quite horrifying enough, but what if it was not a cow, horse, or some other beast of burden, but rather a human being? That would be sinister indeed, wouldn’t it?"

"Well, there have indeed been such cases, where people have been found to vanish under mysterious circumstances only appear later showing all the hallmarks of cattle mutilations, sending them into the annals of unexplained mysteries. Perhaps one of the most famous cases of an apparent case of mysterious, inexplicable human mutilation occurred in Brazil in 1988. At the the Guarapiranga Reservoir was found the body of a man that was in a very strange state indeed."

"Although it was determined that the person had been dead for several days, there was no smell when it should have been redolent with the stench of decay, no noticeable decomposition, and there was no sign that the body had been fed upon by scavengers or even insects. Upon his body were found to be numerous smooth round holes, and the man’s lips, eyes, tongue, and ears had been cut away with expert precision, not torn or ragged in any way. Other tissue and organs had been removed as well for reasons unknown, and there were other anomalies in addition to all of this. The coroner tasked with examining the body would later say of it":

"Although the victim had been dead for 48 to 72 hours there was no sign of being eaten by animals or starting to rot, as would be expected. There was no smell. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. The lips and flesh from the face had been cut away. The eyes, ears, and tongue had been removed. Neat round holes, one to one and a half inches in diameter, had been made on the shoulders, arms, head, stomach, and anus and tissue and muscle had been extracted. The holes had not been made through which extensive digestive organs had been extracted. The scrotum, but not the penis had been removed, and all pubic hair had disappeared. The rectum had been cored out. Despite these devastating mutilations, there was no sign that the victim had been bound or had struggled in any way."

"The mysterious body was photographed and the pictures shown to a Dr. Goes Rubens, who concurred that it was all very odd indeed, and seemed inexplicable by normal definitions. It was also pointed out by an associate of Rubens that the mutilations on display with the mysterious body had many of the same hallmarks of the more well-known cattle mutilations, such as a lack of decomposition, organs seemingly selectively removed, precision, almost surgical cuts, and anomalous holes bored into the corpse."

"It appears that the dead man was never identified and his strange death has from then on had many questions surrounding it. Who or what did this to him? Why was there no decomposition? Why were some organs missing and not others and why had they been removed so cleanly and precisely? Why had those holes been made in the body? Why hadn’t the victim struggled or shown signs of being detained? What happened to him and who was he? We will probably never know."

"Perhaps even more bizarre still is the 1956 case of Air Force Sergeant Jonathan Lovette. In March of that year, Lovette and a Major William Cunningham, both of the Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, ventured out into the desolate desert scrub to collect fallen debris from a recent missile test at the White Sands Missile Test Range, and at one point Lovette went off behind a dune. A few moments later, Cunningham reportedly heard Lovette scream out in terror, and he ran to investigate. What he saw next would cause him to scream as well."

"According to Cunningham, after going over a ridge he was met with the sight of a large, silvery disk-shaped object hovering around 15 or 20 feet in the air, which had a long, snake-like object trailing from it. To his horror, he saw that this appendage was wrapped around the leg of Lovette and in the process of pulling him towards the strange craft. At this point, Cunningham would report that he had been somehow inexplicably paralyzed, wanting to take action but unable to move as he watched his friend get pulled and reeled into the object, after which it sped off at breathtakingly great speed. As soon as it was out of sight, Cunningham found himself released from whatever had kept him frozen there."

"After radioing Missile Control and telling them what had happened, he was told that they were indeed picking up a radar signature moving rapidly, but that they were not able to tell what it was. Security forces and soldiers immediately descended upon the area, and a massive search began, which would go on for 3 days without finding a single trace of the missing man. In the meantime, it was suspected that Lovette had been the victim of foul play and that Cunningham was responsible, his wild story simply a cover, and he was detained."

"On the third day of the search, after meticulously scouring 100 square miles of the landscape, Lovette’s body was found around 10 miles from where he had gone missing, and his corpse was in a horrifying state. Besides being completely drained of every drop of blood, there was no sign of vascular collapse, meaning he had not died of bleeding to death and was very unusual for someone who had been drained of so much blood. An incision had been made in Lovette’s lower jaw, through which his tongue had been removed, a cut which extended from the tip of the chin all the way down to his larynx."

"His anus and genitalia had been expertly removed “as if from a plug,” and his eyes had been taken out smoothly. The body showed no signs of decomposition, despite being estimated to have been lying out there in the desert heat for one or two days, and most oddly of all there were found to be dead scavengers nearby that had apparently died after trying to feed on the body. None of it made any sense at all, and still doesn’t. This particular incident has its origins in an alleged report called Grudge/Blue Book Report 13, which is mysterious in many ways in and of itself."

"The manual in question was supposedly analyzed by an information analyst for the U.S. Air Force and former Green Beret named Bill English, and is allegedly dated 1953-1963. Upon the cover is apparently written the code AFSN 2246-3 and the words “Top Secret Need Yo Know Only, Crypto Clearance 14, or above, Required” stamped on it in red ink. Since it is unknown if this document ever really existed or not, and the information given by Bille English is only preserved in his own notes and his memory of what he read, it is unknown if the report is real or whether the Lovette case ever really happened in any sense at all, and so it remains shrouded in mystery."

"Just as creepy is the case of a 56-year-old miner named Zingmund Adamski, who vanished without a trace while out shopping for groceries near his home in Tingley, near Wakefield, England, on June 5, 1980, at around 3:30 PM. On June 11, his dead body turned up atop a 12-foot high pile of coal at around 3:45 PM in the town of Todmorden, around 20 miles away from where he had gone missing. The discovery was odd, since that morning the coal yard reported that there had certainly been no body there and no suspicious activity, so it had basically just appeared out of nowhere."

"Adamski was purportedly wearing a suit but missing his shirt, watch, and wallet, yet other than that his clothing seemed to be in rather pristine condition, although they seemed to be improperly fastened, as if put on by someone who did not know what they were doing. Although not as badly mutilated as the other cases, Adamski’s body nevertheless showed some oddities that are hard to explain. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death had been a heart attack, but this was not known for sure, and strangely although he had been missing for 5 days he only had one day of beard growth. He had been well-fed and taken care of, but what was strange was that there were some weird burns marks on his neck and shoulders that were of an unknown origin, with some unidentified gel or lotion spread across them."

"There was no evidence that he had sought any sort of medical treatment from the area’s hospitals and the cause of the burns and the composition of the gel could not be determined by forensic scientists. James Turnbull, the coroner who dealt with Zigmund’s death, said of the condition of the body, “The question of where he was before he died and what led to his death just could not be answered.” All of these things posed a variety of questions."

"First, if he had died of a heart attack, then why had he found himself at the top of that pile of coal? This is even more mysterious considering that there were no signs that anyone had climbed up the pile at all, suggesting that the body had been placed there from above. Also, since he had been taken care of and had died only recently, then where had he been for nearly a week before his dead body was found?"

"The case was so strange that it attracted the attention of a UFO researcher, strangely named George Adamski, who believed that Zigmund had been in fact abducted by aliens, possibly accidentally, and this theory was further bolstered by claims made in the following days by police officer Alan Godfrey, who had been the officer who had originally found the body and who claimed to have seen a diamond-shaped UFO in the area 6 months later."

"Godfrey claimed that this UFO had abducted him, leaving him in his patrol car with 30 minutes of lost time. There were also alleged cattle mutilations around the region at the time, which were thought to have been perhaps related to Adamski’s disappearance and subsequent death. Considering that the region has been known for quite sometime as a UFO hotspot, does this mean that Adamski was indeed abducted by a UFO? It is hard to say, but the circumstances of his disappearance, the condition of his body, and the weird clues surrounding it all have made it oft-discussed and debated."

"What happened to these people? How can we explain their strange and sinister disappearances and the odd condition of their corpses? Is there a rational explanation to be found here or are we forced to look to, shall we say, more mysterious explanations? Cases such as these serve as a splinter upon the mind, begging to be removed and put into rational explanation, yet they continue to defy such efforts."

"What is going on here? What is behind such things? Is it sick individuals, the work of scavengers, or forces from beyond our world and understanding? It is hard to say for sure, and such accounts only serve to deepen the mysteries behind the UFO phenomena and this weird, weird world we live in."

Now, other accounts detail that these methods are not from Extraterrestrial but are from humans doing this. This is the statement from the late Gabe Valdez. Based from the website "" details this:  ON CATTLE MUTILATIONS:

"Border Human researchers, not Martians, likely mysteriously mutilated cattle in the Southwest during the 1970s and 1980s. "It's solved. I know who did it," said Gabe Valdez, a retired New Mexico State Police officer. "I don't want to go on too much, because it's so sensitive – the research that we're doing." "It's humans," he said, "not UFOs or Satanic groups or people from Mars – it was humans," Valdez said. "It's taken me 30 years to figure it out," Valdez said. "It has been solved as far as I'm concerned," Valdez said he believes researchers carried out the acts – using helicopters. He won't offer any clues as to who specifically killed the cattle. witnesses described finding dead and mutilated cows in pastures, often with missing tongues, lips and ears. In one case, a witness described how a surgical passage had been cut through a cow's rectum to remove all its insides. In another case, a bull was found to have had all its reproductive organs removed. In all the cases, there were no signs of gunshots, or of animals tracking down and killing the cows. That's what led some conspiracy theorists to promote the idea that perhaps a Satanic cult or even mysterious space visitors. The owners of the ranch where the bull was found also said they received threatening phone calls. Their dog also disappeared. By 1985, the rancher sold all his cattle and got out of the business."

"On UFOs: "Border As in Montana, the mutilations coincided with a rash of UFO sightings, and Valdez and his fellow officers had several close shaves with strange flying machines. On one occasion Valdez's team cornered an orange light in a field; as they approached, the light went out. Then, although they could see nothing, they heard a muffled sound like a lawnmower engine pass over their heads. Another time Valdez and two colleagues ducked beneath an object that he described as disc-shaped, rotor-less, and dazzlingly bright. Valdez described the noise it made as it flew over them as 'put-put- putting' or 'ticking' – hardly the sound of advanced alien technology."

On DULCE UNDERGROUND BASE: "Border Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico of about 900 population located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It's not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret."

"The secret is harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. The secret is said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals. New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn into the mysteries of Dulce when called to investigate a mutilated cow in a pasture 13 miles east of Dulce on the Manual Gomez ranch. Gomez had lost four cattle to mutilations between 1976 and June 1978 when a team of investigators which included Tom Adams arrived from Paris, Texas to examine the site of the carcasses."

"Curious as to how cattle were being selected by the mysterious mutilators, an interesting experiment was conducted on July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gomez, and retired scientist Howard Burgess. They pinned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultraviolet light. They found a "glittery substance on the right side of the neck, the right ear, and the right leg." Samples of the affected hides were removed as well as control samples from the same animals. Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal. Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from UFOs. UFOs have been seen frequently around Dulce."

"Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found at the time of the reported mutilation. On April 19, 1988, I arrived in Dulce to visit with Gabe Valdez and inquire about the sightings, the mutes, and the rumors of an underground alien base. Snow was still on the ground. I checked into the Best Western Motel and called Valdez to make an appointment to see me at 9:30 PM."

"I found Gabe to be a very congenial host, offering to show me around the roads of Dulce that night and point out some various locations where he had found mutilated cows or had seen strange aerial lights. He made the astounding statement that he was still seeing unidentified aircraft at the rate of one every two nights. We took a look at the Gomez Ranch, the road by the Navajo River, and the imposing Archuleta Mesa."

"Gabe had found landing tracks and crawler marks near the site of the mutes, and was convinced that scientist Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Scientific Labs in Albuquerque, was definitely on the right track in his attempts to locate the underground alien facility in the vicinity of Dulce. No one knew for sure where the facility was located or how humans or aliens gained secret entry to the facility. I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments. Walter informed me that Paul had not only photographed UFOs, but had established a communication link with their underground base at Dulce."

"Bennewitz had first come to prominence during the August, 1980, sightings over the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB. A Kirtland AFB incident report dated October 28, 1980 mentions that Bennewitz had taken film of the UFOs over Kirtland. Paul, who was president of the Thunder Scientific Labs which was adjacent to Kirtland gave a briefing in Albuquerque detailing how he had seen the aliens on a video screen. At the time, the aliens were transmitting signals to him from a base underneath Archuleta Mesa. Researcher William Moore claims that the government agents became interested in Bennewitz's activities and were trying to defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he could absorb."

"Whether Paul's communication with supposed aliens at the Dulce Base was part of this disinformation campaign is unclear. If we believe that Paul is the single source of reports on the Dulce Facility, then discounting Paul's story and discrediting him could be a tactical maneuver. The actual disinformation maneuver would result in making the public believe there was nothing to the Dulce story."

Then there is Documentary called "UFOs and NATO: The Human mutilation cover-up" by Richard D. Hall, as he further investigates into the same mutilations that is done on animals, to also be shown on humans as well. His first film called "Silent Killers 2009", details the animal mutilation cases and how it's discussed with the animal mutilation investigator David Cayton. They detail how these pattern of incision of the different body parts is something that should be alarming to the Public but the Media is dismissing it as hooligans and Satanism.

So, upon seeing the "NATO: human mutilation" Documentary, Richard details how this case had occured to a man in Brazil in the 1980s, who is shown with the same incisioned patterns as discussed previously. They also state how this human mutialtion case can possibly connect to a group of Russians that tragically lost their lives in the "Dyatlov pass incident" in 1959.

In the Documentary states how people would just disappear in parks like the National Park in Wales called "Brecon Beacon", and how there is a recurring mutilation cases within those regions. Here Richard compares the human mutilation case in Brazil with David Cayton, and how these could connect to the strange "Cattle Mutilations" that keep occurring around the world. It becomes even more interesting  when the "human mutilation" was addressed to Linda Moulton Howe, and how she later dismisses it as "Agent Orange" (as told to her by an expert detailing it was Agent Orange). However, based from the claims from the "expert", shows that the substance called "Agent Orange" does not conduct the same incisions as shown amongst the Human and animal mutilation cases. Even though I liked some of Linda's Documentaries on these animal mutilations, but to find that she is not touching the topics of human mutilation only tells me something is wrong. She can go into cattle mutilations and yet, not detail why this same procedure is being done towards humans? 

Then along with the Cattle Mutilations would come stories of Black Helicopters appearing either prior or after the scene. Here is an excerpt based from the Wiki:

"The black helicopter is a symbol of an alleged conspiratorial military takeover of the United States in the American militia movement, and has also been associated with UFOs, especially in the UK, men in black, and similar conspiracies." "Stories of black helicopters first appeared in the 1970s, and were linked to reports of cattle mutilation. It is possible that the idea originated in Hal Lindsey's book The Late, Great Planet Earth, published in 1970 and popular among conspiracy theorists. Lindsey conjectured that the locust-like creatures referenced in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament were actually helicopters, which John had never seen and thus did not know how to describe."

"Jim Keith wrote two books on the subject: Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order (1995), and Black Helicopters II: The End Game Strategy (1998). Media attention to black helicopters increased in February 1995, when first-term Republican northern Idaho Representative Helen Chenoweth charged that armed federal agents were landing black helicopters on Idaho ranchers' property to enforce the Endangered Species Act. "I have never seen them", Chenoweth said in an interview in The New York Times. "But enough people in my district have become concerned that I can't just ignore it. We do have some proof."

"Believers in UFO conspiracy theories often claim unmarked black helicopters are seen in the vicinity of UFO sightings, the supposition being that the helicopters belong to an alleged secretive government department who cover up evidence of alien visits and UFOs from the general public."

"The black helicopters conjecture resonates well with the belief held by some in the militia movement that troops from the United Nations might invade the United States. The John Birch Society published an article in The New American detailing how the existence of the covert aircraft was mostly the product of possible visual errors and a tendency towards overabundant caution."

Now, before we go further into Richard's Documentary, there are other accounts based on the subject of Human mutilation. Based from "mysteriousuniverse" states this:

Bizarre Cases of Mysterious Human Mutilations and Strange Deaths: "One of the most gruesome, sinister, and completely intriguing of phenomena connected to the phenomenon of UFOs is that of the dark world of cattle mutilations. By some accounts, for some reason, it seems that whatever is behind these strange lights in the sky also has a liking for targeting various livestock for some impromptu surgery and mutilation, often ending up with carcasses that show a variety of strange features such as almost selectively missing organs, strangely precise cuts, a lack of deterioration, and no rotting stench pervading the area. This is all quite horrifying enough, but what if it was not a cow, horse, or some other beast of burden, but rather a human being? That would be sinister indeed, wouldn't it? Well, there have indeed been such cases, where people have been found to vanish under mysterious circumstances only appear later showing all the hallmarks of cattle mutilations, sending them into the annals of unexplained mysteries."

"Perhaps one of the most famous cases of an apparent case of mysterious, inexplicable human mutilation occurred in Brazil in 1988. At the the Guarapiranga Reservoir was found the body of a man that was in a very strange state indeed. Although it was determined that the person had been dead for several days, there was no smell when it should have been redolent with the stench of decay, no noticeable decomposition, and there was no sign that the body had been fed upon by scavengers or even insects. Upon his body were found to be numerous smooth round holes, and the man’s lips, eyes, tongue, and ears had been cut away with expert precision, not torn or ragged in any way. Other tissue and organs had been removed as well for reasons unknown, and there were other anomalies in addition to all of this."

The coroner tasked with examining the body would later say of it: "Although the victim had been dead for 48 to 72 hours there was no sign of being eaten by animals or starting to rot, as would be expected. There was no smell. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. The lips and flesh from the face had been cut away. The eyes, ears, and tongue had been removed. Neat round holes, one to one and a half inches in diameter, had been made on the shoulders, arms, head, stomach, and anus and tissue and muscle had been extracted. The holes had not been made through which extensive digestive organs had been extracted. The scrotum, but not the penis had been removed, and all pubic hair had disappeared. The rectum had been cored out. Despite these devastating mutilations, there was no sign that the victim had been bound or had struggled in any way."

"The mysterious body was photographed and the pictures shown to a Dr. Goes Rubens, who concurred that it was all very odd indeed, and seemed inexplicable by normal definitions. It was also pointed out by an associate of Rubens that the mutilations on display with the mysterious body had many of the same hallmarks of the more well-known cattle mutilations, such as a lack of decomposition, organs seemingly selectively removed, precision, almost surgical cuts, and anomalous holes bored into the corpse. It appears that the dead man was never identified and his strange death has from then on had many questions surrounding it."

"Who or what did this to him? Why was there no decomposition? Why were some organs missing and not others and why had they been removed so cleanly and precisely? Why had those holes been made in the body? Why hadn’t the victim struggled or shown signs of being detained? What happened to him and who was he? We will probably never know.Perhaps even more bizarre still is the 1956 case of Air Force Sergeant Jonathan Lovette. In March of that year, Lovette and a Major William Cunningham, both of the Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, ventured out into the desolate desert scrub to collect fallen debris from a recent missile test at the White Sands Missile Test Range, and at one point Lovette went off behind a dune. A few moments later, Cunningham reportedly heard Lovette scream out in terror, and he ran to investigate. What he saw next would cause him to scream as well.According to Cunningham, after going over a ridge he was met with the sight of a large, silvery disk-shaped object hovering around 15 or 20 feet in the air, which had a long, snake-like object trailing from it. To his horror, he saw that this appendage was wrapped around the leg of Lovette and in the process of pulling him towards the strange craft. At this point, Cunningham would report that he had been somehow inexplicably paralyzed, wanting to take action but unable to move as he watched his friend get pulled and reeled into the object, after which it sped off at breathtakingly great speed. As soon as it was out of sight, Cunningham found himself released from whatever had kept him frozen there."

"After radioing Missile Control and telling them what had happened, he was told that they were indeed picking up a radar signature moving rapidly, but that they were not able to tell what it was. Security forces and soldiers immediately descended upon the area, and a massive search began, which would go on for 3 days without finding a single trace of the missing man. In the meantime, it was suspected that Lovette had been the victim of foul play and that Cunningham was responsible, his wild story simply a cover, and he was detained."

"On the third day of the search, after meticulously scouring 100 square miles of the landscape, Lovette’s body was found around 10 miles from where he had gone missing, and his corpse was in a horrifying state.Besides being completely drained of every drop of blood, there was no sign of vascular collapse, meaning he had not died of bleeding to death and was very unusual for someone who had been drained of so much blood. An incision had been made in Lovette’s lower jaw, through which his tongue had been removed, a cut which extended from the tip of the chin all the way down to his larynx. His anus and genitalia had been expertly removed “as if from a plug,” and his eyes had been taken out smoothly."

"The body showed no signs of decomposition, despite being estimated to have been lying out there in the desert heat for one or two days, and most oddly of all there were found to be dead scavengers nearby that had apparently died after trying to feed on the body. None of it made any sense at all, and still doesn't.This particular incident has its origins in an alleged report called Grudge/Blue Book Report 13, which is mysterious in many ways in and of itself."

"The manual in question was supposedly analyzed by an information analyst for the U.S. Air Force and former Green Beret named Bill English, and is allegedly dated 1953-1963. Upon the cover is apparently written the code AFSN 2246-3 and the words “Top Secret Need Yo Know Only, Crypto Clearance 14, or above, Required” stamped on it in red ink. Since it is unknown if this document ever really existed or not, and the information given by Bille English is only preserved in his own notes and his memory of what he read, it is unknown if the report is real or whether the Lovette case ever really happened in any sense at all, and so it remains shrouded in mystery."

"Just as creepy is the case of a 56-year-old miner named Zingmund Adamski, who vanished without a trace while out shopping for groceries near his home in Tingley, near Wakefield, England, on June 5, 1980, at around 3:30 PM. On June 11, his dead body turned up atop a 12-foot high pile of coal at around 3:45 PM in the town of Todmorden, around 20 miles away from where he had gone missing. The discovery was odd, since that morning the coal yard reported that there had certainly been no body there and no suspicious activity, so it had basically just appeared out of nowhere."

"Adamski was purportedly wearing a suit but missing his shirt, watch, and wallet, yet other than that his clothing seemed to be in rather pristine condition, although they seemed to be improperly fastened, as if put on by someone who did not know what they were doing.Although not as badly mutilated as the other cases, Adamski’s body nevertheless showed some oddities that are hard to explain. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death had been a heart attack, but this was not known for sure, and strangely although he had been missing for 5 days he only had one day of beard growth. He had been well-fed and taken care of, but what was strange was that there were some weird burns marks on his neck and shoulders that were of an unknown origin, with some unidentified gel or lotion spread across them. There was no evidence that he had sought any sort of medical treatment from the area’s hospitals and the cause of the burns and the composition of the gel could not be determined by forensic scientists. James Turnbull, the coroner who dealt with Zigmund’s death, said of the condition of the body, “The question of where he was before he died and what led to his death just could not be answered.”

"All of these things posed a variety of questions. First, if he had died of a heart attack, then why had he found himself at the top of that pile of coal? This is even more mysterious considering that there were no signs that anyone had climbed up the pile at all, suggesting that the body had been placed there from above. Also, since he had been taken care of and had died only recently, then where had he been for nearly a week before his dead body was found?"

"The case was so strange that it attracted the attention of a UFO researcher, strangely named George Adamski, who believed that Zigmund had been in fact abducted by aliens, possibly accidentally, and this theory was further bolstered by claims made in the following days by police officer Alan Godfrey, who had been the officer who had originally found the body and who claimed to have seen a diamond-shaped UFO in the area 6 months later. Godfrey claimed that this UFO had abducted him, leaving him in his patrol car with 30 minutes of lost time."

"There were also alleged cattle mutilations around the region at the time, which were thought to have been perhaps related to Adamski’s disappearance and subsequent death. Considering that the region has been known for quite sometime as a UFO hotspot, does this mean that Adamski was indeed abducted by a UFO? It is hard to say, but the circumstances of his disappearance, the condition of his body, and the weird clues surrounding it all have made it oft-discussed and debated.What happened to these people? How can we explain their strange and sinister disappearances and the odd condition of their corpses? Is there a rational explanation to be found here or are we forced to look to, shall we say, more mysterious explanations? Cases such as these serve as a splinter upon the mind, begging to be removed and put into rational explanation, yet they continue to defy such efforts. What is going on here? What is behind such things? Is it sick individuals, the work of scavengers, or forces from beyond our world and understanding? It is hard to say for sure, and such accounts only serve to deepen the mysteries behind the UFO phenomena and this weird, weird world we live in."

The reader can look up Richard Hall's website "", or his Youtube Channel as he details interesting segments based from kidnappings, to the Media corruptions, and other related topics on UFOs.

Now, based on this segment details an amateur UFO investigator named "Derek Gough", who was contacted by an ex Military man stating strange information on Human mutilations and UFO connections. Though he didn't know how to take the situation (as he saw dead bodies mutilated in a strange way), he stated how he tried to go to the Police, but is sabotaged as someone or group doesn't want the information out to the public. Here in UFO NATO Documentary leaves off where Derek contacts Richard (after the release of "Silent Killers"), and details the whole situation to him. Based from the situation states that Gough explains the human mutilated situations, and how he gave the photographs to the late Tony Dodd (as the author of "Alien Investigator: The case files of leading UFO Detective"), who had investigated these same cases. Based from the updated show from Richard Hall's website, Derek Gough was said to have passed away.

Now, skipping to the part where Richard finds the Military man (as dubbed the Military source), to whom at first rejected Richard, but reluctantly started to relay the same information thus confirming everything that Derek had told him. The Military man states to him that he cannot keep meeting him at his place, so they set up a meeting area.

No cameras or recordings (as to remain anonymous) were allowed. Here Richard takes notes starts asking questions. The Military man states that he was in the Black Ops called "Group 58" (as stated in the film), and that he did encounter these apparent "Extraterrestrials". He states that because of his profession in the Military, they are then sent out to guard any crash sites for the "Yanks", to which are deemed the American scientist and Military.

He claims that he witnessed all kinds of space crafts,  and how they are of different shapes. Then details how he saw these apparent Extraterrestrials, and how it's nothing like what these films portray. He states that these types of Extraterrestrials are not those Aliens with big eyes and smily faces, but is described as looking like the "Devil" and that they are powerful and strong, and they can rip you a part.

He details how he had injuries by being close to these ships as they can emit radiation, and how some of his colleagues had already passed away due to cancer. He details how there is an underground facility that would track any sightings of UFOs in a place near "Sunny Bridge". Here he confirms how there were 30 to 40 mutilated bodies in different places like Australia, and how they are still happening all over the world.

He states that these statements on how these Aliens are friendly are not true at all. So, all of these MUFON and Ufo conferences detailing Extraterrestrials are merely cash grabs, and will diviate the people from what's truly going on. This is something that even one of the leading Ufologist like "Dr. Steven Greer", is somewhat mentioned. 

Even though Richard guesses that these beings could be somewhat a reptilian being, I will dive in that subject later on. Now, based from what the Military man states that these E.T.s have interest in internal organs like brains and blood, it seems that they are using these body parts for something. Other theories detail that they are using people for food, and how we are harvested.

Then going into the conclusion, the Military source states how these Extraterrestrials are incredibly quick, as they can move 60 meters in a split second, and how they are not friendly and you wouldn't want to go near them. Here states how he witnessed three different types of E.T.s, some would wear wet suits, and how they would find craft debris with Human and animal body parts. Strangely enough, Richard ,mentions how the late Bill Cooper had detailed the same exact scenario as the Alien crafts that crashed in Aztec New Mexico, contained Human body parts.

Now, I came across this book by Credo Mutwa called "Songs of the Stars: Lore of a Zulu Shaman", and here in this book details his experience as a healer to even giving more in-depth encounters on the different types of Extraterrestrials. Based from the Chapter "Song of the stars" he details "The song of the stars" which details interesting segments on how the first race that was created were not the black or the white but the red race from a small Planet made of "red sands". The small Planet dubbed "Red Sands" sounds like Mars..... Here he details they maybe linked to Adam, as Adam means red. This is profound because I had mentioned based from Ignatius Donnelly's book Atlantis the Antediluvian world" and Edgar Cayce's details on the Atlanteans identity as being a people of ruddy or red colored; most likely from the Native Americans that were depicted of this color. Here he details their interaction with the Gods, and they committed treason by eating a fish humanoid (amphibian humanoid or Merbeings) and thus were exiled by the Gods, to them being put to another planet. This sounds from the Quran to how Adam and his descendants by Allah were cast into the Earth after their treason of eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Based from my teacher's knowledge, he detailed how Adam was a giant when he was exiled to Earth from Paradise. This seemingly has a connection to Credo Mutwa's story of the Adamic people's descent from Paradise or Garden of Eden. However, based from Zamalek Giza's statement, he says they were black people and how they have a Extraterrestrial origin not of Earth, and how they met the inhabitants on Earth. This links to the "Sons of God" and their influence on the other nations.

Then based from the sub chapter "Fire Visitor", he goes into details  the Legend of a woman who had the power to heal people from injuries and sicknesses, to his encounters with the different Extraterrestrials. The latter is where things get more interesting because in this book he encounters the entities that were the cause of these cattle or animal mutilations. He mentions that when a UFO appears near a village that something or someone will disappear from the area, and that someone would burn a herb as to not have these entities harm them in some kind of way. He mentions how craft would come down like a fireball and based from the book's description, some entities are just curious and harmless to those that are extremely dangerous to the villagers. He mentions two entities with dark garments running away by leaps and bounds as if Astronauts leaping and walking on the moon. 

In the same sub chapter, he starts to go into his travels to Botswana South Africa to help a wealthy man on a strange situation involving cattle mutilations and how their dogs were apparently "petrified" by an evil entity they called "Mohundoruka". He met with the farmers and investigated the areas to which this entity would leave a white substance, as he details not to touch them. Knowingly he details that when touching the substance to which the UFO or entity has left behind, if a person touches it, he then gets sick, loses his hair to even death. This description sounds like radiation that was mentioned from the Military man from Richard Hall's Documentary. He interviews the man that had this traumatizing experience to which details that there was a crash, and upon investigating, his dogs went after the creature but were immediately killed in such a way that they were petrified. So, in this situation the group decided to stay for a few days around that area to see what's really going on, till one night he is awakened by shouts from his men and dogs barking but his group ran away. He investigates with the herdsmen's dogs and sees the creature, to which the dogs are sent after it but are killed immediately in the same fashion. He throws a stone at the creature and describes it as a "walking gigantic cylinder" with no limbs, arms but has a head with square glass like eyes and a metal cap on it's head (Somewhat robotic. Perhaps like the "Flatwoods Monster"). He states that it just stood there for a few and then left, but it left him horrified as to what this creature looked like. He states that this creature leaves a horrifying smell somewhat like rotten eggs (Most likely Sulfur. It's noted that demons, extraterrestrials and any paranormal activity tends to have this distinct smell of sulfur). 

The reader can look up the book and read the rest, but based on this entity, he states that whenever this creature appears there was always conflict and wars between the people (like a war God). He also states that it kills certain animals for something and always leaves it with clean cuts on its body, to even certain organs and body parts missing. So, it seems that within the subject of cattle mutilation, Credo Mutwa details that this entity is seemingly responsible for these strange animal mutations. It's very interesting that it's able to petrify the dogs, as if this is some kind of weapon being used or some type of witchcraft. I will mention that based from Skinwalkers or related entities, witchcraft is somehow involved and used by them (as mentioned on the wicked Giants called Devs using witchcraft). In the chapters, he also mentions creatures that look like the Greys to even flying orbs of light following a UFO.

So, based on the "Mohunduroka", there is a video based on Credo Mutwa talking about the different Extraterrestrials based from Legend and his encounters. This video is the 2 hours and 39 min segment. He takes out the dolls that he made as their description of the aliens ranging from the amphibious Nommo, the Greys, an entity that looked like the Mothman, an creature that resembles a small bear with a crest on it's head that loves mischief (Tokoloshe, as deemed some type of Gremlin or Goblin), to a comical robotic creature and then to the creature called "Mohundoruka". This evil entity looks like, as described, a metallic slug like robot with short appendages. 

Very interesting information regarding the truth on Extraterrestrials and their real agendas on Earth. Just as the images of Michael the Archangel is shown looking human doesn't mean that's what this being really looks like. Since finding a consistent description on the God of fire and how he is shown to have red braided hair and having "faces for ears", reveals that the story of Michael battling the Giants and other monstrous entities is the story of Iblis or Azazil.

Based from the information given to Richard Hall by the Military source, states that one of them looked like the "Devil", to being extremely fast, powerful, can rip a man apart, and they are not friendly, details interesting clues to what the God of fire was dealing with. He also states that these mutilations have been going on since before people were here, indicating that this is was probably before the creation of mankind.

Let's observe Madame Blavatsky's statements on the "Devs". Here is an excerpt from Madame Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine": Origin of the Satanic Myth: "[[Vol. 2, Page]] 394 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Before the creation of Adam, two races lived and succeeded each other on Earth; the Devs who reigned 7,000 years, and the Peris (the Izeds) who reigned but 2,000, during the existence of the former. The Devs were giants, strong and wicked; the Peris were smaller in stature, but wiser and kinder."

"Here we recognize the Atlantean giants and the Aryans, or the Rakshasas of the Ramayana and the children of Bharata Varsha, or India; the ante- and the post-diluvians of the Bible. Gyan (or rather Gnan, true or occult Wisdom and knowledge), also called Gian-ben-Gian (or Wisdom, son of Wisdom), was the king of the Peris.*" "He had a shield as famous as that of Achilles, only instead of serving against an enemy in war, it served as a protection against black magic, the sorcery of the Devs. Gian-ben-Gian had reigned 2,000 years when Iblis, the devil, was permitted by God to defeat the Devs and scatter them to the other end of the world. Even the magic shield, which, produced on the principles of astrology, destroyed charms, enchantments, and bad spells, could not prevail against Iblis, who was an agent of Fate (or Karma)."

Based from the Military source detailing how one of the Extraterrestrial entities would look like a devil, reminds me of the game "Doom" as the protagonist has to fight demons on Mars. Then there is the manga and Anime and movie adaption called "Gantz" as people are sent to a realm where they have to fight alien inhabitants on their home planet Earth. 

So, let's look at the Peris based from what Blavatsky had stated: "Peri (Persian: پری‎, plural پريان pariān), otherwise known as Pari in Persian culture, are exquisite, winged spirits renowned for their beauty. Originally from Persian mythology, Paris were later adopted by other cultures. They are described as mischievous beings that have been denied entry to paradise until they have completed penance for atonement. Under Islamic influence, Peris became benevolent spirits, in contrast to the mischievous jinn and divs."

In Persian mythology and literature: "Paris are detailed in Persianate folklore and poetry, appearing in romances and epics. Furthermore, later poets use the term to designate a beautiful woman and to illustrate her qualities. At the start of Ferdowsi's epic poem Shahnameh, "The Book of Kings", the divinity Sorush appears in the form of a pari to warn Keyumars (the mythological first man and shah of the world) and his son Siamak of the threats posed by the destructive Ahriman. Paris also form part of the mythological army that Kaiumers eventually draws up to defeat Ahriman and his demonic son."

"In the Rostam and Sohrab section of the poem, Rostam's paramour, the princess Tahmina, is referred to as "pari-faced" (since she is wearing a veil, the term pari may include a secondary meaning of disguise or being hidden[dubious – discuss]). Paris were the target of a lower level of evil beings called دیوسان divs (دَيۋَ daeva), who persecuted them by locking them in iron cages. This persecution was brought about by, as the divs perceived it, the paris' lack of sufficient self-esteem to join the rebellion against perversion."

Islamic culture: "With the spread of Islam through Persia, the pari (or peri in Turkish) was integrated into Islamic folklore. Early Persian translations of the Quran, identified the good jinn as peris, and the evil ones with divs. The belief in Pari still persist among Muslims in India as a type of spiritual creature besides the jinn, shayatin and the ghosts of the wicked. Turkish Muslims often accept the existence of paris among other creatures, such as jinn, ifrit (ghosts or demons of hell), nakir, div (ogres or fiends) and shayatin (demons or devils). According to the Persian exegesis of the Qurʼan Tafsir al-Tabari, the paris are beautiful female spirits created by God after the vicious divs. They mostly believe in God and are benevolent to mankind."

"They are still part of some folklore and accordingly they appear to humans, sometimes punishing hunters in the mountains who are disrespectful or waste resources, or even abducting young humans for their social events. Encounters with paris are held to be physical as well as psychological. Marriage, although possible, is considered undue in Islamic lore. Because of humans impatience and distrust, relationship between humans and paris will break up. Bilqis is, according to one narrative, the daughter of such a failed relationship between a pari and a human."

Then on the Devs: "Div or dev (Persian: Dīv: دیو) are monstrous creatures within Middle Eastern lore. They have their origin in Persian mythology and spread to surrounding cultures including Armenia, Turkic countries and Albania. Although they are not explicitly mentioned within canonical Islamic scriptures, their existence was well accepted by most Muslims just like that of other supernatural creatures."

"They are described as having a body like that of a human, only of gigantic size, with two horns upon their heads and teeth like the tusks of a boar. Powerful, cruel and cold-hearted they have a particular relish for the taste of human flesh. Some use only primitive weapons, such as stones : others, more sophisticated, are equipped like warriors, wearing armour and using weapons of metal. Despite their uncouth appearance - and in addition to their great physical strength - many are also masters of sorcery, capable of overcoming their enemies by magic and afflicting them with nightmares. Their origin is disputed, although it may lie in the Vedic deities (devas) who were later demonized in Persian religion (see daeva)."

"In Ferdowsi's tenth-century Shahnameh, they are already the evil entities endowed with roughly human shape and supernatural powers familiar from later folklore, in which the Divs are described as ugly demons with supernatural strength and power, who, nonetheless, may sometimes be subdued and forced to do the bidding of a sorcerer."

Legends: "Div appear throughout many supernatural legends as villains, sorcerers, monsters, ogres or even helpers of the protagonist. It is usually necessary to overcome the Div, to get his aid. After defeating the Div, one must attach a horseshoe, a needle or an iron ring on his body to enslave them. On the other hand, a Div can not be killed by physical combat, even if their body parts are cut off. Instead, it is required to find the object storing the soul of the Div. After the object is destroyed, the Div is said to disappear in smoke or thin air. The notion of a demon tied to a physical object, later inspired the European genie."

"According to pre-historic Persian legends, the Divs once roamed the earth until Zoraster chased them away to the underground. Since when, they do not appear visible on earth again and live secretly in the underworld. Such legends have later been assimilated to Islamic legends, according to which the jinn lived on earth prior to humans, but have been chased away. However, here the heroic human is replaced by a group of angels. Accordingly, Div have been entrusted to govern the earth 70,000 years before the creation of the first human."

"However, God created between the Div and human, the jinn (taken from Islamic lore), ruled by Jann ibn Jann. However, when Jann ibn Jann challenged the heavens, Satan (Iblis) was sent with an army of angels to overthrow him. During this battle some treacherous Divs joined Satan and the angels. Again, at the end, the story assigns them to the underworld regions of hell, when the Divs follow Iblis' refusal to pay homage to the first human."

"In Kisekbasch Destani ("Story of the cut head"), a Turkish Sufi legend from the 13. or 14. Century, Ali encounters a beheaded men, whose head is still reciting the Quran. His wife has been captured and his child been devoured by a Div. Ali descends to the underworld to kill the Div. Here, he finds out, the Div further captured 500 Sunnites and the Div threats Ali, to destroy the holy cities of Mecca and Medina and destroy the legacy of Islam. After a battle, Ali manages to kill the Div, release the inmates, saves the devoured child and brings the severed head, with aid of Muhammad back to life." 

So, based from the descriptions stated above, shows that "They are described as having a body like that of a human, only of gigantic size, with two horns upon their heads and teeth like the tusks of a boar. Powerful, cruel and cold-hearted they have a particular relish for the taste of human flesh. Some use only primitive weapons, such as stones and others, more sophisticated, are equipped like warriors, wearing armour and using weapons of metal. Despite their uncouth appearance - and in addition to their great physical strength - many are also masters of sorcery, capable of overcoming their enemies by magic and afflicting them with nightmares."

It's interesting that based on the "Divs" states that they once roamed the Earth until Zoraster drove them underground. Then states that "Jann ibn Jann" had challenged Heaven and God had sent Iblis with the Angels to battle against them. This sounds like the story of Agni battling the Dragon God, and the Divs that once roamed all over the Earth were driven underground by Iblis who is Michael the Archangel.

So, when Credo Mutwa had stated in his story on how the Chitauri tried to challenge God to a fight, and to which became a terrible war between the two forces, this is where the story of "Jann Ibn Jann" is based on, and the story of "Red Horn" to which they called "Al-Harith" is sent by God to destroy them. This is where things connect to Michael the Archangel battling the Jinn race is based on. So, when the Military source in Richard Hall's UFO NATO Documentary states that all of this was going on since before people were here. This would mean that this has been going on even before the apparent existence of mankind.

This is what the Wiki states on "Jann Ibn Jann": "Jann (Arabic: جان, romanized: Jānn, plural Arabic: جِنَّان, romanized: Jinnān or Arabic: جَوَان, romanized: Jawān) are the ancestor of the jinn in Islam-related beliefs. They are said to have inhabited the earth before Adam, ruled by a king called Jann ibn Jann. In folklore however, many consider them to be punished and turned into the weakest class of jinn, comparable to the way in which apes are seen as transformed humans. The father of the jinn is also called Abu Al-Jann."

Pre-Adamite Era: "In Persian Islamic legends, the world was ruled by Jann ibn Jann (Son of Jann), two thousand years before Adam was created. They were similar to humans in many ways and in many legends, God sent prophets to them, just as prophets were sent to humans. Jann ibn Jann offended the heavens, whereupon God sent Al-Harith (Iblis) with an army of angels to chastise him. But Jann ibn Jann refused to submit to the angels and a war ensued. At the end, Jann ibn Jann was overthrown by Al-Harith and the angels, who reigned the world onwards instead. Many Arabic legends regard the Pyramids of Giza as remains of the works done under the rule of Jann ibn Jann."

Let's again connect this to the "Jinn": Jinn (Arabic: جن‎, jinn) – also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genie (with the broader meaning of spirit or demon, depending on source)(p 22) – are supernatural creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. Like humans, they are created with fitra, neither born as believers nor as unbelievers, but their attitude depends on whether they accept God's guidance. Since jinn are neither innately evil nor innately good, Islam acknowledged spirits from other religions, and was able to adapt spirits from other religions during its expansion. Jinn are not a strictly Islamic concept; they may represent several pagan beliefs integrated into Islam."

"In an Islamic context, the term jinn is used for both a collective designation for any supernatural creature and also to refer to a specific type of supernatural creature.(p 67) Therefore, jinn are often mentioned together with devils (shayāṭīn). Both devils and jinn feature in folklore and are held responsible for misfortune, possession and diseases. However, the jinn are sometimes supportive and benevolent. They are mentioned frequently in magical works throughout the Islamic world, to be summoned and bound to a sorcerer, but also in zoological treatises as animals with a subtle body."

Exegesis: "Belief in jinn is not included among the six articles of Islamic faith, as belief in angels is, however many Muslim scholars believe it essential to the Islamic faith. Many scholars regard their existence and ability to enter human bodies as part of the aqida (theological doctrines) in the tradition of Ashari. In Quranic interpretation, the term jinn can be used in two different ways: as invisible entities, noted in surah Ar-Rahman in the Qur'an, who roamed the earth before Adam, created by God out of "fire and air" (Arabic: مَارِجٍ مِن نَّار‎, mārijin min nār)."

"They are believed to resemble humans in that they eat and drink, have children and die, and are subject to judgment, being sent to either heaven or hell according to their deeds;(p 18) however, they were also much faster and stronger than humans. Along with humans, they are hold accountable for their deeds (thaqalān) These jinn are distinct from the angelic tribe noted in surah Al-Kahf called Al-jinn, named after Jannah ('The Gardens'), heavenly creatures created out of the fires of samūm (Arabic: سَمُوم‎, 'poisonous fire') – in contrast to the genus of jinn, created out of mixture of fire – who waged war against the genus of jinn and regarded as able to sin, unlike their light-created counterpart. as the opposite of al-Ins (something in shape) referring to any object that cannot be detected by human sensory organs, including angels, devils and the interior of human beings. Accordingly, every devil and every angel is also a jinn, but not every jinn is an angel or a devil."

"Al-Jahiz categorizes the jinn in his work Kitab al-Hayawan as follows: "If he is pure, clean, untouched by any defilement, being entirely good, he is an angel, if he is faithless, dishonest, hostile, wicked, he is devil, if he succeeds in supporting an edifice, lifting a heavy weight and listening at the doors of Heaven he is a marid and if he more than this, he is an ifrit." Related to common traditions, the angels were created on Wednesday, the jinn on Thursday, and humans on Friday, though not in succession, but rather, more than 1000 years later, respectively.(p 43) The community of the jinn race were like those of humans, but then corruption and injustice among them increased and all warnings sent by God were ignored. Consequently, God sent his angels to battle the infidel jinn. Just a few survived, and were ousted to far islands or to the mountains."

"With the revelation of Islam, the jinn were given a new chance to access salvation. However, because of their prior creation, the jinn would attribute themselves to a superiority over humans and envy them for their place and rank on earth.(p 43) The different jinn known in Islamic folklore are disregarded among most mufassirs – authors of tafsir – Tabari being an exception (though he is not specific about them, probably due to lack of theological significance). Since Tabari is one of the earliest commentators, the several jinn have been known, since the earliest stages of Islam."

Spread from Arabia: "When Islam spread outside of Arabia, belief in the jinn was assimilated with local belief about spirits and deities from Iran, Africa, Turkey and India. Early Persian translations of the Quran identified the jinn either with peris or divs depending on their moral behavior. However, such identifications of jinn with spirits of another culture are not universal. Some of the pre-Islamic spirits remained. Peris and divs are frequently attested as distinct from jinn among Persian Muslim lore(p 519) (as well as Turkish Muslim lore), but since both div as well as jinn are associated with demonic and the ability to transform themselves, they overlap sometimes."

"In Sindh, the concept of the jinni was introduced when Islam became acceptable. Since then, jinn have become a common part of local folklore, also including stories of both male jinn called jinn and female jinn called Jiniri. Folk stories of female jinn include stories such as the Jejhal Jiniri. While, due to the cultural influence, the concept of jinn may vary, all share some common features."

"The jinn are believed to live in societies resembling those of humans, practicing religion (including Islam, Christianity and Judaism), having emotions, needing to eat and drink, and can procreate and raise families. Additionally, they fear iron, generally appear in desolate or abandoned places, and are stronger and faster than humans. Since the jinn share the earth with humans, Muslims are often cautious not to accidentally hurt an innocent jinn by uttering "destur" (permission), before sprinkling hot water.(p 149) Generally, jinn are thought to eat bones and prefer rotten flesh over fresh flesh."

Oni on the Wiki: "An oni (鬼おに) is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads.Stereotypically, they are conceived of as red, blue, or white-colored, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs. They are popular characters in Japanese art, literature, and theater, and appear as stock villains in the well-known fairytales of Momotarō (Peach Boy), Issun-bōshi, and Kobutori Jīsan."

"Depictions of yokai oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with a single horn or multiple horns emerging from their heads, with sharp claws, wild hair, and fang-like tusks. They are often depicted wearing tiger-skin loincloths and carrying iron clubs called kanabō (金棒). This image leads to the expression "oni with an iron club" (鬼に金棒, oni-ni-kanabō), that is, to be invincible or undefeatable. Their skin may be any number of colors, but red, blue, and green are particularly common. They may sometimes also be depicted as black-skinned, or yellow-skinned. They may occasionally be depicted with a third eye on their forehead, or extra fingers and toe."

"An old etymology for "oni" is that the word derives from on, the on'yomi reading of a character (隠) meaning "to hide or conceal", due to oni having the tendency of "hiding behind things, not wishing to appear". This explanation is found in the 10th century dictionary Wamyōshō, which reveals that the oni at the time had a different meaning, defined as "a soul/spirit of the dead". The character for oni, 鬼 (pinyin: guǐ; Jyutping: gwai2) in Chinese also means a dead or ancestral spirit, and not necessarily an evil specter. Accordingly, Chinese (Taoist) origins for the concept of oni has been proposed."

"Particularly powerful oni may be described as kishin or kijin (literally "oni god"; the "ki" is an alternate character reading of "oni"), a term used in Japanese Buddhism to refer to Wrathful Deities. The oni was syncretized with Hindu-Buddhist creatures such as the man-devouring yaksha and the rakshasa, and became the oni who tormented sinners as wardens of Hell (Jigoku), administering sentences passed down by Hell's magistrate, King Yama (Enma Daiō). The hungry ghosts called gaki (餓鬼) has also been sometimes considered a type of oni (the Kanji for "ki" 鬼 is also read "oni")."

"Accordingly, a wicked soul beyond rehabilitation transforms into an oni after death. Only the very worst people turn into oni while alive, and these are the oni causing troubles among humans as presented in folk tales. Some scholars have even argued that the oni was entirely a concept of Buddhist mythology."

Yaksha: "The yakshas (Sanskrit: यक्ष yakṣa; Pali: yakkha) are a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, but sometimes mischievous or capricious, connected with water, fertility, trees, the forest, treasure and wilderness. They appear in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist texts, as well as ancient and medieval era temples of South Asia and Southeast Asia as guardian deities." "The feminine form of the word is yakṣī or yakshini (Sanskrit: यक्षिणी yakṣiṇī; Pali:Yakkhini). In Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist texts, the yakṣa has a dual personality. On the one hand, a yakṣa may be an inoffensive nature-fairy, associated with woods and mountains; but there is also a darker version of the yakṣa, which is a kind of ghost (bhuta) that haunts the wilderness and waylays and devours travellers, similar to the rakṣasas."

Early Yakshas: "Several monumental yakshas are known from the time of the Maurya Empire period. They are variously dated from around the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century BCE. These statues are monumental (usually around 2 metres tall), and often bear inscriptions related to their identification as yakshas. They are considered as the first known monumental stone sculptures in India."

"Two of these monumental yakshas are known from Patna, one from Vidisha and one from Parkham, as well as one yakshini from Vidisha. The yakṣas may have originally been the tutelary deity of forests and villages, and were later viewed as the steward deities of the earth and the wealth buried beneath. In early Indian art, male yakṣas are portrayed either as fearsome warriors or as portly, stout and dwarf-like. Yakṣiṇīs are portrayed as beautiful young women with happy round faces and full breasts and hips."

Then on the term "Rakshasa" states this: "Rakshasa (Sanskrit: राक्षस, IAST: rākṣasa: Pali: rakkhaso), while female rakshasa are known as a rakshasi, is a adjective for cannibalistic beings in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Rakshasas are also called "man-eaters" (nri-chakshas, kravyads). Rakshas is also used to describe Asuras, which are power seeking deities that lacking divinity. They are often depicted as antagonists in Dharmic religious scriptures." 

Let's see this excerpt from "Jann ibn Jann": "Pre-Adamite Era: In Persian Islamic legends, the world was ruled by Jann ibn Jann (Son of Jann), two thousand years before Adam was created. They were similar to humans in many ways and in many legends, God sent prophets to them, just as prophets were sent to humans. Jann ibn Jann offended the heavens, whereupon God sent Al-Harith (Iblis) with an army of angels to chastise him. But Jann ibn Jann refused to submit to the angels and a war ensued. At the end, Jann ibn Jann was overthrown by Al-Harith and the angels, who reigned the world onwards instead. Many Arabic legends regard the Pyramids of Giza as remains of the works done under the rule of Jann ibn Jann."

This is confirmed as all the different mythological legends states, a similar description of "man eating giants", to which are stronger and faster than humans. And on top of that, this is confirmed that they would look like the "Devil", as the Military source explains. As the Documentary details this, the team would find "human body parts" in ships which even the late Bill Cooper had stated this same scenario. Based from the "Michael Knowles show", he has a segment on "Aliens are Demons" detailing Luis Elizondo being told by an "Ex-Pentagon Official" on how these Aliens are really Demons. It's well confirmed that when Azazil/Iblis was tasked to destroy the "wicked Giants" who would use black magic and sorcery, is what Blavatsky had stated on Azazil using a "Shield" to fight against their magic. Interesting enough, there are segments in the Bible detailing cattle or animal sacrifices towards God, and based from this factor on the "Cattle mutilation" seems to play a mysterious role in this field.....