War in Heaven: Nag Hammadi

Now, here I will detail the lost scriptures called "The Nag Hammadi", which was found in Egypt in 1945. Here the Nag Hammadi states of several texts based on the behind scenes of what happened in the Garden of Eden to the battles prior to mankind, the different gods and the perspectives of the disciples and apostles of Jesus. But out of this is the most notable accounts based on the beings called "The Archons", which are mentioned among several texts. One example is the story called "The Apocalypse of Adam", which actually connects to "The Hypostasis of the Archons" and "On the Origin of the World".

Now amongst these segments, I would have to break down their perspectives based on their connections to each other, but I will also reveal what this is really based on. So let's have a look at the first book called "On the origin of the world". Now, in this book details the story of a goddess named Pistis Sophia, who would be the first in the creation world, and be the one who would bore the first Archon Yaldabaoth (meaning "child, pass through to here") The word Archon means "ruler" or "Lord" as it states "Lord God". The description of this Archon was said to have a lion-like features with a serpentine body. This is basically the being called "Mithras Kronos". In this segment I will break things down to reveal their connections to the battles in the heavens. But let's start with the "Origin of the World" to review the story.

Now, in the "Origins of the World" details the world before chaos existed and that the one who is called "Pistis" (meaning faith) came into existence among the immortal beings and was the light dividing the darkness. She is called Sophia (wisdom) who brought forth the shadow of chaos in form of a being called "Yaldabaoth" which means "Child, pass through to here".

"And when Pistis Sophia desired to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time a ruler, out of the waters, lion-like in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being."

"Since that day, there appeared the principle of verbal expression, which reached the gods and the angels and mankind. And what came into being as a result of verbal expression, the gods and the angels and mankind finished. Now as for the ruler Yaltabaoth, he is ignorant of the force of Pistis: he did not see her face, rather he saw in the water the likeness that spoke with him. And because of that voice, he called himself 'Yaldabaoth'."

"But 'Ariael' is what the perfect call him, for he was like a lion. Now when he had come to have authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light. When the ruler saw his magnitude - and it was only himself that he saw: he saw nothing else, except for water and darkness - then he supposed that it was he alone who existed. His [...] was completed by verbal expression: it appeared as a spirit moving to and fro upon the waters."

"And when that spirit appeared, the ruler set apart the watery substance. And what was dry was divided into another place. And from matter, he made for himself an abode, and he called it 'heaven'. And from matter, the ruler made a footstool, and he called it 'earth'." "Next, the ruler had a thought - consistent with his nature - and by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes had been opened, he looked at his father, and he said to him, "Eee!" Then his father called him Eee-a-o ('Yao')."

"Next he created the second son.  He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Eh!" His father called him 'Eloai'. Next, he created the third son. He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Asss!" His father called him 'Astaphaios'. These are the three sons of their father. Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names."

"The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'. And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship. Sabaoth: his feminine name is Deity. Adonaios: his feminine name is Kingship. Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy. Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth. And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom). These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end."

Now, here we can see what the Bible states "The word was god and the word was with god", meaning the same verbal expression that is mentioned. Then also shows that this being was put into power by Pistis, although he doesn't recognize the higher power that brought him into the same existence. Here he starts to create through his word the other beings and angels who comes into existence along with the seven angels.

Now the prime parent Yaldabaoth, since he possessed great authorities, created heavens for each of his offspring through verbal expression - created them beautiful, as dwelling places - and in each heaven he created great glories, seven times excellent."

"Thrones and mansions and temples, and also chariots and virgin spirits up to an invisible one and their glories, each one has these in his heaven; mighty armies of gods and lords and angels and archangels - countless myriads - so that they might serve. The account of these matters you will find in a precise manner in the first Account of Oraia."

"And they were completed from this heaven to as far up as the sixth heaven, namely that of Sophia. The heaven and his earth were destroyed by the troublemaker that was below them all. And the six heavens shook violently; for the forces of chaos knew who it was that had destroyed the heaven that was below them. And when Pistis knew about the breakage resulting from the disturbance, she sent forth her breath and bound him and cast him down into Tartaros. Since that day, the heaven, along with its earth, has consolidated itself through Sophia the daughter of Yaldabaoth, she who is below them all."

(Now, here shows Yaldabaoth being the one who creates the angels, gods, cherubims, thrones and mansions etc. Then details how the six heavens and the earth were disturbed and shaken by a what they called "the troublemaker" which seems like they couldn't defeat this being except for Pistis, who blew her breath and bound the entity into Tartarus. Now, from this excerpt only tells that this powerful being that created a disturbance to the six heavens and the earth is none other than the Red Dragon. This is what Revelations 12:7 states of the battle between Michael the archangel and the Red Dragon whom created dissaray among the heavens. So, when Pistis sends her "breath" against him, this breath would be Michael the archangel. It's similar to Durga bringing forth Kali from her third eye to defeat the bull demon Mahishasura. Lots of connections here...)

Continuing: "Now when the heavens had consolidated themselves along with their forces and all their administration, the prime parent became insolent. And he was honored by all the army of angels. And all the gods and their angels gave blessing and honor to him. And for his part, he was delighted and continually boasted, saying to them, "I have no need of anyone."

He said, "It is I who am God, and there is no other one that exists apart from me." And when he said this, he sinned against all the immortal beings who give answer. And they laid it to his charge. Then when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler, she was filled with anger. She was invisible. She said, "You are mistaken, Samael," (that is, "blind god").

"There is an immortal man of light who has been in existence before you, and who will appear among your modelled forms; he will trample you to scorn, just as potter's clay is pounded. And you will descend to your mother, the abyss, along with those that belong to you. For at the consummation of your (pl.) works, the entire defect that has become visible out of the truth will be abolished, and it will cease to be, and will be like what has never been. Saying this, Pistis revealed her likeness of her greatness in the waters. And so doing, she withdrew up to her light."

"Now when Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth, heard the voice of Pistis, he sang praises to her, and he condemned the father [...] at the word of Pistis; and he praised her because she had instructed them about the immortal man and his light. Then Pistis Sophia stretched out her finger and poured upon him some light from her light, to be a condemnation of his father. Then when Sabaoth was illumined, he received great authority against all the forces of chaos. Since that day he has been called "Lord of the Forces". He hated his father, the darkness, and his mother, the abyss, and loathed his sister, the thought of the prime parent, which moved to and fro upon the waters."

"And because of his light, all the authorities of chaos were jealous of him. And when they had become disturbed, they made a great war in the seven heavens. Then when Pistis Sophia had seen the war, she dispatched seven archangels to Sabaoth from her light. They snatched him up to the seventh heaven. They stood before him as attendants. Furthermore, she sent him three more archangels, and established the kingdom for him over everyone, so that he might dwell above the twelve gods of chaos."

"Now when Sabaoth had taken up the place of repose in return for his repentance, Pistis also gave him her daughter Zoe (Life), together with great authority, so that she might instruct him about all things that exist in the eighth heaven. And as he had authority, he made himself first of all a mansion. It is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens. And before his mansion he created a throne, which was huge and was upon a four-faced chariot called "Cherubin".

"Now the Cherubin has eight shapes per each of the four corners, lion forms and calf forms and human forms and eagle forms, so that all the forms amount to sixty-four forms - and seven archangels that stand before it; he is the eighth, and has authority. All the forms amount to seventy-two. Furthermore, from this chariot the seventy-two gods took shape; they took shape so that they might rule over the seventy-two languages of the peoples. And by that throne he created other, serpent-like angels, called "Seraphin", which praise him at all times."

"Thereafter he created a congregation of angels, thousands and myriads, numberless, which resembled the congregation in the eighth heaven; and a firstborn called Israel - which is, "the man that sees God"; and another being, called Jesus Christ, who resembles the savior above in the eighth heaven, and who sits at his right upon a revered throne. And at his left, there sits the virgin of the holy spirit, upon a throne and glorifying him."

"And the seven virgins stand before her, [...] possessing thirty harps, and psalteries and trumpets, glorifying him. And all the armies of the angels glorify him, and they bless him. Now where he sits is upon a throne of light great cloud that covers him. And there was no one with him in the cloud except Sophia Pistis, instructing him about all the things that exist in the eighth heaven, so that the likenesses of those things might be created, in order that his reign might endure until the consummation of the heavens of chaos and their forces."

"Now Pistis Sophia set him apart from the darkness and summoned him to her right, and the prime parent she put at her left. Since that day, right has been called justice, and left called wickedness. Now because of this, they all received a realm in the congregation of justice and wickedness, [...] stand [...] upon a creature [...] all." 

Now, in the "The Hypostasis of the Archons" states this: "This ruler, by being androgynous, made himself a vast realm, an extent without limit. And he contemplated creating offspring for himself, and created for himself seven offspring, androgynous just like their parent. And he said to his offspring, "It is I who am god of the entirety."

And Zoe (Life), the daughter of Pistis Sophia, cried out and said to him, "You are mistaken, Sakla!" - for which the alternative name is Yaltabaoth. She breathed into his face, and her breath became a fiery angel for her; and that angel bound Yaldabaoth and cast him down into Tartaros below the abyss."

Now, this is the same story as the "Red Dragon" being defeated by the Archangel Michael. Here states her "breath" became the fiery angel that defeats the opposing forces. This is like the story of God of fire coming forth from the Goddess to defeat the enemies. The story about "Huitzilipochtli" states he comes forth from the Goddess coatlicue, to which defeats his sister and the four hundred warriors. The story is repeated yet again.

The same states the virgin yogi Murugan being born from Shiva's semen in the swamp to fight the Tarakasura. Then there is Durga who brings forth Kali with her third eye to defeat Maishasura. The story of Red Horn states he was sent bythe "Earth maker" to battle the demons, monsters and giants. Again, as stated on the "Troublemaker", details this being to be Sun Wukong, and how he was defeated and bound by the Buddha in the story "Journey to the West". Credo Mutwa had stated in "The Reptilian Agenda" on how God had sent a warrior from the constellation of Orion to battle the Chitauri and other evil aliens. 

Now, let's recap on this chapter from the Nag Hammadi: The Reality of the Rulers (The Hypostasis of the Archons) on this specific excerpt:

"...The rulers laid plans and said, “Come, let us create a human that will be soil from the earth.” They modeled their creature as one wholly of the earth. The rulers have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts. They took some soil from the earth and modeled their man, after their body and after the image of god that had appeared to them in the waters."

This is shown that the Gods were creating man in Bible but instead of in their own image, it's based on the image that appeared before them. This story on the Archons creating mankind and keeping them in bondage is what "The Emerald Tablets" states on the "Spirits" looking down from Heaven and seeing man bound by a force that came from the cosmos. But first I wanted to bring this story of the "troublemaker", and the story of "Sabaoth" to being Enoch who was taken up to Heaven by God. 

Let's start with Sabaoth, the excerpt states this: "Now, when Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth, heard the voice of Pistis, he sang praises to her, and he condemned the father [...] at the word of Pistis; and he praised her because she had instructed them about the immortal man and his light. Then Pistis Sophia stretched out her finger and poured upon him some light from her light, to be a condemnation of his father. Then when Sabaoth was illumined, he received great authority against all the forces of chaos. Since that day he has been called "Lord of the Forces". He hated his father, the darkness, and his mother, the abyss, and loathed his sister, the thought of the prime parent, which moved to and fro upon the waters."

"And because of his light, all the authorities of chaos were jealous of him. And when they had become disturbed, they made a great war in the seven heavens. Then when Pistis Sophia had seen the war, she dispatched seven archangels to Sabaoth from her light. They snatched him up to the seventh heaven. They stood before him as attendants. Furthermore, she sent him three more archangels, and established the kingdom for him over everyone, so that he might dwell above the twelve gods of chaos."

"Now when Sabaoth had taken up the place of repose in return for his repentance, Pistis also gave him her daughter Zoe (Life), together with great authority, so that she might instruct him about all things that exist in the eighth heaven. And as he had authority, he made himself first of all a mansion. It is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens. And before his mansion he created a throne, which was huge and was upon a four-faced chariot called "Cherubin".

"Now the Cherubin has eight shapes per each of the four corners, lion forms and calf forms and human forms and eagle forms, so that all the forms amount to sixty-four forms - and seven archangels that stand before it; he is the eighth, and has authority. All the forms amount to seventy-two. Furthermore, from this chariot the seventy-two gods took shape; they took shape so that they might rule over the seventy-two languages of the peoples. And by that throne he created other, serpent-like angels, called "Seraphin", which praise him at all times."

This story is merely Enoch being taken up by God, to which connects to "The Book of Enoch 1-3". Then based on Sophia giving authority to Sabaoth, along with the angels and such, is based on the Metatron as the 3rd Book of Enoch. Yes, Enoch who becomes "Metatron" is "Thoth" in the Emerald Tablets, who becomes immortal and is given authority to rule the Earth. This is merely the story of Melek Taus in the sense that was given by God to rule the Earth. The story of Massau'u states something similar to that he loses his status as a "planetary ruler", as this is based on Satan's fall from grace. I also find it interesting for this being to create angels that look like "serpents". Are these angels "reptilians? Then the common question should be asked is, if Enoch is also called "Metatron", and the insignia of this Angel is the six pointed star, then can this be the one called "Saturn"?

Daniel 7: "13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. 14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

The term "72" is spotted really quickly and is noted to symbolize the one call Enoch, though I have stated before how there would be two beings called Enoch, Thoth and Hermes. Here, Enoch becomes an immortal and is taken from his people by God. As established, Enoch would be an Atlantean who rises in status to meet with the angels of God. Now, in the story of Iblis also states the same route, as he was of the Jinn race who would come from an unruly and chaotic race. This is also where the story of Azazil who was chosen to live with the Gods is based on, and as the Islamic story states, he battles the Jinn race for their chaotic nature. Loki was stated to be of the Jotunns who lived in Asgard withe the Gods.

Now, there were two stories that details both the trouble maker to being defeated by the Angel sent by Sophia, and the story of Yaldabaoth and his forces being defeated and sent down to Tartarus. The reader should be aware where I'm going with this....

Now, Just as I had stated above, the story of Sabaoth is the same story as Enoch. Sabaoth came from the "Lords of Chaos" to which sounds like the Jinn race. This is where things based from the "Nag Hammadi" starts to be brokes down. This story of Yaldabaoth as this apparent "trouble maker" or "Typhon", and would be one and the same as Saturn or Tiamat. This is pretty much the story that everyone knows as the fall of Satan (Saturn).

Just as I had stated before, the Angel that battles these entities is referenced as Azazil in the Islamic sources, and is Michael the Archangel based from the Christians. The intervention story or the "tampering" of the hominids that were already here, details this to be the aftermath of those Gods that came down after the great battle (See "The Lord of Sirius 1 &2"). The story of the Gods defeating the Titans and overthrowing them into Tartarus, shows that it isn't Hell or the Underworld, but "Earth", meaning they came down to Earth from the skies. Revelations 12:12 details Michael "warning" the inhabitants, that the Red Dragon has come down to Earth. This shows these Gods are the apparent "Chitauri" that became the rulers of Earth.

The story of the "fiery Angel" battling Yaldabaoth is baed on the Fire God battling the Dragon God that was causing trouble in the Universe. Now, there are different segments and theories based on Marduk, but I found a website detailing the how he was of the "Igigi" race and not the Anunnaki (which is interesting). Here is the "bringsideme.com" states: Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki: "Before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labour force. It is said that the Igigi–they who turn and see -were the Ancient Astronaut Gods of the younger generation…"

"The Ancient Anunnaki are said to have created the human race by genetically modifying early humans in order to use them as a labour force. But before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labour force. It is said that the Igigi–they who turn and see -were the Ancient Astronaut Gods of the younger generation, the servants to the mighty Anunnaki, They were half human half animals – who came to Earth to mine gold. The terminology used to describe the gods is extremely complicated and still needs many studies. Researchers believe the term Igigi is of Semitic origin and indicates the group of gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon. It is still unclear which ancient gods belonged to the Igigi, but many scholars suggest Marduk –the patron god of the city of Babylon- was one of the Igigi."

"Mainstream scholars use the term Igigi to reference the mythological Sumerian deities. According to mainstream scholars, the Igigi were the younger servants of the Anunnaki, who initiated a rebellion against their masters and dictatorship of Enlil. Eventually, the Anunnaki replaced the Igigi with humans."

"In the myth of Atrahasis – the Babylonian story of the Flood and a precursor to the flood story in the Gilgameš Ep – the Sumerian paradise is described as a garden where lower gods (the Igigi) were put to work digging a watercourse by their masters, the Anunnaki. “When the gods like men bore the work and suffered the toil, the toil of the gods was great, the work was heavy; the distress was much.” “The Seven great Anunnaki were making the Igigi suffer the work.” “When the gods, man-like, Bore the labour, carried the load, The gods’ load was great, The toil grievous, the trouble excessive. The great Anunnaku, the Seven, Were making the Igigi undertake the toil.”

"Ancient Astronaut hypothesis suggests that the Igigi were similar to the Anunnaki, remaining in constant orbit around our planet. They were basically considered as intermediaries between our planet and Nibiru – the home of the Anunnaki. Many believe that the Igigi remained in constant orbit around our planet in giant platforms which processed ore delivered from Earth. After processing the minerals, the material was transferred to other ships and eventually transported to the home planet of the Anunnaki. The Igigi were apparently never encountered by mankind. It is said that several texts make reference to them, suggesting “the Igigi were too high up for Mankind, and consequently were not concerned with people.”

"After years of tenuous and hard work for the Anunnaki, the Igigi rebelled against their masters. It is said that “they set fire to their tools and surrounded Enlil’s great house by night forcing the ancient Anunnaki to find another source of labour.” This is why the ancient Anunnaki replaced the Igigi, after genetically engineering ancient humans creating a greater workforce. Many authors suggest that the human ‘slave race’ was created after the ancient Anunnaki genetically modified their genes and that of early humans nearly 500,000 years ago."

Here is what Anunnaki.org states: WAS MARDUK ONE OF THE IGIGI? So your next big question is probably, “But what were the names of the Igigi?” Sadly it is hard to come up with a lot of decisive answers here, but Marduk almost certainly was one of the Igigi. Marduk was the patron god of Babylon. Marduk was Enki’s son (his mother was Damkina). He is known as “The Avenger.” As Babylon rose to power in the historical world, so Marduk rose to prominence among the gods. Marduk’s main significance lies in that rise to power. Here is the brief version of the story: At the top of the Anunnaki family tree, Tiamat, the Dragon Mother, and Apsu, her consort, had a falling out regarding the young gods they had created, which led to Tiamat murdering Apsu."

"Years later, her bitterness led her to take out her guilt and anger at his death on the young gods. Tiamat created 11 monsters to wage war against the young gods. Marduk, like Enlil, made a deal with the gods to elevate him to supreme leader status if he can solve the problem and restore order. He was able to kill Tiamat in one-on-one combat, as well as her general, Kingu. You will recall that it was Kingu’s blood which Enki then used to create humans."

"Kingu had the Tablet of Destinies, which conferred absolute authority upon Marduk when he seized them. Now, there is some confusion among believers in the ancient astronaut hypothesis as to whether Marduk was an alien leader or a planet. So whether or not he was among the Igigi in the extraterrestrial version of the story is debatable. It depends on whether he was a person or not. Read more about Marduk here. The historical evidence that Marduk may have been among the Igigi comes from the Code of Hammurabi."

"This famous law code mentions that Marduk was elevated by the Anunnaki from the ranks of the Igigi. You now are familiar enough with the story of Marduk to know that he was indeed elevated—so it does make sense that he may have been among those lesser gods before he achieved his exalted supreme status. Other gods that scholars have identified as possibly being Igigi (or both Igigi and Anunnaki) include Ištar, Asarluhi, Naramṣit, Ninurta, Nuska, and Šamaš. What it might mean to be both Igigi and Anunnaki is not all that clear. But perhaps Anunnaki refers to a species, and Igigi simply refers to a caste within that species. So say that Ištar was both."

"Going by the extraterrestrial theory, this might mean that she was both a member of the reptilian race (an Anunnaki) and a servant caste within that race (an Igigi). There appear to be very few references to the Igigi in ancient texts, so it is difficult to research them. This page over at the University of Pennsylvania contains some pretty thorough references. Reading through it, you can at least discover a few sources to check out in your own studies."

THE IGIGI ARE ONE OF THE GREAT ANUNNAKI MYSTERIES: "Judging by the lack of Igigi references in ancient texts, humanity must have had little or no direct contact with the previous servant caste. The Igigi may or may not have been a class of Anunnaki, but whoever they were, whatever they were—they faded into the woodwork after human beings were created. Did they return home to Nibiru? Did they simply ascend to the same class as their fellow Anunnaki now that a slave race had been created to fill their prior role? Why don’t we know more about them? Was knowledge of the Igigi concealed on purpose by the Anunnaki? If so, why? Perhaps the only thing we can say for sure about the Igigi aside from the fact that they were servants to the gods is this: They raise more questions than we can currently answer. Perhaps the truth will be revealed when the Anunnaki return."

Based from this story is  quite similar to the movie "Psychogoreman", which details how an alien race was enslaved by another alien race. Here is what the Wiki states:

"Siblings Mimi and Luke discover a strange, glowing gem while digging in their garden. That night, an alien monster emerges from the hole. The monster enters an old shoe factory and brutally kills a group of thieves hiding out there. The next day, Mimi and Luke follow a trail to the shoe factory and discover the monster. The monster identifies himself as "Arch-Duke of Nightmares", a deadly alien warrior imprisoned on earth after attempting to destroy the galaxy in a rampage."

"Before he can kill them, he realises Mimi has the gem, which allows her to command him. Mimi dubs the alien "Psycho Goreman" (or "PG" for short) and begins commanding PG around despite Luke's concerns. A group of aliens called the "Planetary Alliance" discover PG has escaped imprisonment, and send the warrior Pandora to Earth in the form of a human woman to kill him. PG tells the children he was a slave to the Templars, Pandora's religious order on his home planet Gigax until he discovered the gem which bonded with him, giving immense power. He assembled an army called "The Paladins Obsidian" and battled the Templars, and began a rampage across the galaxy until the Planetary Alliance defeated him and imprisoned him on Earth."

"When the children leave, PG broadcasts a call for help to the Paladins Obsidian. Mimi and Luke's parents Susan and Greg see PG and Mimi introduces him to them, showing how she can control him. Mimi forces PG to accompany the family on activities and become a reluctant friend to the family. While out with PG, the group is approached by two police officers who attack PG. PG mutates one of them into a deformed slave while the other officer escapes."

"Pandora arrives at the police station and interrogates the officer that escaped PG for information. In the woods, the Paladins Obsidian arrive in front of the group. PG orders them to kill Mimi and Luke only for the Paladins to reveal they are now allied with the Templars. PG is injured by them when Mimi keeps him from fighting back until he apologises, but kills them easily when he is released."

"He then collapses from his injuries. PG comes to Greg in a vision demanding he collects him and the children from the woods. Greg does so and they drive back to the house where Pandora is waiting with Susan. Susan suggests they hand over PG to Pandora, and Luke agrees. Greg sides with Mimi and drives away with PG, hiding in the shoe factory. Pandora reveals her true form before transforming Susan into an armored warrior to help take down PG."

"PG states giving him the gem is the only way to heal him, and Mimi agrees on the promise he will spare her and her family in his crusade against the galaxy, but realises Luke has stolen it. Pandora, Susan, and Luke arrive and battle Mimi, Greg, and PG. Luke convinces Mimi that the power of the gem and PG have corrupted her. Before Pandora can kill PG, he challenges her to a battle of Mimi's choosing."

"She chooses Crazy Ball, a game she and Luke made up with extremely complex rules. Mimi's team wins but Pandora moves in to attack Mimi and PG anyway. Susan uses her powers to save Mimi but is reverted to her human form by Pandora. Luke and Mimi reconcile and hand the gem to PG, healing him. PG defeats Pandora and devours her. PG returns the now powerless gem to Mimi, stating that after witnessing the family's affection for each other, he is now powered by love."

"He will use that love to destroy the galaxy, but promises to spare the family. The family bids farewell to PG and watches as he begins to destroy their town. The news shows PG in giant form devastating the Earth, and in deep space the Planetary Alliance debates killing themselves before he can reach them."

Now, based from Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine", she had stated on Michael the Archangel being a "bodyguard" of Jehovah (who is called Samael). There is a stark similarity when the apparent "rebellion" of Satan against God is shown to be Michael battling against the former leader who is Jehovah and Samael, as the former highest God who was cast down to Earth. This pertains to the story of Saturn/Cronus being cast into Tartarus along with the Titans and Tiamat and her armies being defeated.

DEMON EST DEUS INVERSUS. [[Vol. 1, Page]] 418 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. "This leads in its turn to a very curious deduction from a Roman Catholic dogma. Many renowned writers belonging to the Latin Church admit that a difference exists, and should be made, between the Uranian Titans, the antediluvian giants (also Titans), and those post-diluvian giants in whom they (the Roman Catholics) will see the descendants of the mythical Ham. In clearer words, there is a difference to be made between the Cosmic, primordial opposing Forces -- guided by cyclic law -- the Atlantean human giants, and the post-diluvian great adepts, whether of the right or the left hand. At the same time they show that Michael, "the generalissimos of the fighting Celestial Host, the bodyguard of Jehovah," as it would seem (see de Mirville) is also a Titan, only with the adjective of "divine" before the cognomen."

"Thus those "Uranides" who are called everywhere "divine Titans," and who, having rebelled against Kronos (Saturn), are therefore also shown to be the enemies of Samael (an Elohim, also and synonymous with Jehovah in his collectivity), are identical with Michael and his host. In short, the roles are reversed, all the combatants are confused, and no student is able to distinguish clearly which is which. Esoteric explanation may, however, bring some order into this confusion, in which Jehovah becomes Saturn, and Michael and his army, Satan and the rebellious angels, owing to the indiscreet endeavours of the too faithful zealots to see in every pagan god a devil."

"The true meaning is far more philosophical, and the legend of the first "Fall" (of the angels) assumes a scientific colouring when correctly understood. Kronos stands for endless (hence immovable) Duration, without beginning, without an end, beyond divided Time and beyond Space. Those "Angels," genii, or Devas, who were born to act in space and time, i.e., to break through the seven circles of the superspiritual planes into the phenomenal, or circumscribed, super-terrestrial regions, are said allegorically to have rebelled against Kronos and fought the (then) one living and highest God."

"In his turn, when Kronos is represented as mutilating Uranus, his father, the meaning of this mutilation is very simple: Absolute Time is made to become the finite and the conditioned; a portion is robbed from the whole, thus showing that Saturn, the father of the gods, has been transformed from Eternal Duration into a limited Period. Chronos cuts down with his scythe even the longest and (to us) seemingly endless cycles, yet, for all that, limited in Eternity, and puts down with the same scythe the mightiest rebels. Aye, not one will escape the scythe of Time! Praise the god or gods, or flout, one or both, and that scythe will not be made to tremble one millionth of a second in its ascending or descending course."

"The Titans of Hesiod's Theogony were copied in Greece from the Suras and Asuras of India. These Hesiodic Titans, the Uranides, numbered once upon a time as only six, have been recently discovered to be seven -- the seventh being called Phoreg -- in an old fragment relating to the Greek myth. Thus their identity with the Seven rectors is fully demonstrated. The origin of the "War in Heaven" and the FALL has, in our mind, to be traced unavoidably to India, and perhaps far earlier than the Puranic accounts thereof. For TARAMAYA was in a later age, and there are three accounts, each of a distinct war, to be traced in almost every Cosmogony."

Here, she states that Michael the Archangel being the one to overthrow the entity called "Jehovah" is the story of Cronus or Saturn being overthrown to Tartarus. It's shown that this story pertains to the uprising of the "Igigi" against the Anunnaki, and the battle of the Suras and Asuras amongst Hinduism. Here is a very interesting segment from "Marduk" battling "Tiamat" in the Wiki: 

"In Enûma Elish, a civil war between the gods was growing to a climactic battle. The Anunnaki gods gathered together to find one god who could defeat the gods rising against them. Marduk, a very young god, answered the call and was promised the position of head god. To prepare for battle, he makes a bow, fletches arrows, grabs a mace, throws lightning before him, fills his body with flame, makes a net to encircle Tiamat within it, gathers the four winds so that no part of her could escape, creates seven nasty new winds such as the whirlwind and tornado, and raises up his mightiest weapon, the rain-flood. Then he sets out for battle, mounting his storm-chariot drawn by four horses with poison in their mouths. In his lips he holds a spell and in one hand he grasps a herb to counter poison."

"First, he challenges the leader of the Anunnaki gods, the dragon of the primordial sea Tiamat, to single combat and defeats her by trapping her with his net, blowing her up with his winds, and piercing her belly with an arrow. Then, he proceeds to defeat Kingu, who Tiamat put in charge of the army and wore the Tablets of Destiny on his breast, "wrested from him the Tablets of Destiny, wrongfully his", and assumed his new position. Under his reign, humans were created to bear the burdens of life so the gods could be at leisure; the lowly creatures built Marduk a temple in Babylon (from Akkadian bāb-il and Sumerian KÁ.DINGIR both literally translated 'Gate of God'; cf. Genesis 11:9)."

Here states that Marduk would set himself "aflame", meaning he becomes the "God of fire", then sets out to battle against the Dragon God and other entities. This is the story of Michael battling the Dragon God to which connects to the overthrown of Saturn.

Tablet 4: "Marduk was given a throne, and sat over the other gods, who honored him. Marduk was also given a sceptre and vestments, as well as weapons to fight Tiamat – bow, quiver, mace, and bolts of lightning, together with the four winds – his body was aflame. Using the four winds Marduk trapped Tiamat. Adding a whirlwind, a cyclone, and Imhullu ("the Evil Wind"), together the seven winds stirred up Tiamat. In his war chariot drawn by four creatures he advanced. He challenged Tiamat, stating she had unrightfully made Kingu her consort, accusing her of being the source of the trouble. Enraged, Tiamat joined Marduk in single combat. Marduk used a net, a gift from Anu, to entangle Tiamat; Tiamat attempted to swallow Marduk, but 'the Evil Wind' filled her mouth. With the winds swirling within her she became distended – Marduk then shot his arrow, hitting her heart – she was slain. The other gods attempted to flee but, Marduk captured them, broke their weapons, and netted them."

"Her eleven monsters were also captured and chained; whilst Kingu was taken to Uggae (the Angel of Death), the 'Tablet of Destinies' taken from him. Marduk then smashed Tiamat's head with the mace, whilst her blood is carried off by the North Wind. Marduk then split Tiamat's remains in two – from one half he made the sky – in it he made places for Anu, Enlil, and Ea."

The "Evil wind" is based on the "nuclear destruction" used by a particular weapon (Vajra). This is the war-like weapon that was used against the opposing forces, and (as stated from "Antarctica Mystery series") is theorized to be the "flood" that destroyed the whole planet, which is revealed to be "Mars". Perhaps this is where things start to connect together. 

Now, remember the story of "Kingu" who was said to have kept the "Tablet of Destiny"? This story is based on the "Anzu bird" to which is based on the same story altogether. Here is what the Wiki states: "Anzû, also known as dZû and Imdugud is a lesser divinity or monster in several Mesopotamian religions. He was conceived by the pure waters of the Apsu and the wide Earth, or as son of Siris."

"Anzû was depicted as a massive bird who can breathe fire and water, although Anzû is alternately depicted as a lion-headed eagle. Stephanie Dalley, in Myths from Mesopotamia, writes that "the Epic of Anzu is principally known in two versions: an Old Babylonian version of the early second millennium [BC], giving the hero as Ningirsu; and 'The Standard Babylonian' version, dating to the first millennium BC, which appears to be the most quoted version, with the hero as Ninurta". However, the Anzu character does not appear as often in some other writings, as noted below."

Sumerian and Akkadian myth: "In Sumerian and Akkadian mythology, Anzû is a divine storm-bird and the personification of the southern wind and the thunder clouds. This demon—half man and half bird—stole the "Tablet of Destinies" from Enlil and hid them on a mountaintop. Anu ordered the other gods to retrieve the tablet, even though they all feared the demon. According to one text, Marduk killed the bird; in another, it died through the arrows of the god Ninurta."

Remember this story is based on Zeus battling Typhon, which "Typhon" is the Anzu bird which is described as having "lion-like" features. This is the what these images reveal, to which they say is "Tiamat" the dragon, is based on the lion bird like creature called "Yaldabaoth". Now, they also state the Anzu bird is the son of "Siris", which is a play on terms to "Sirius". This would also be "Lord of Sirius" or the "dog headed God" Anubis or Osiris, who was defeated by the God of fire. He would also be called "Pazuzu", the dog headed God that was mentioned the movie "The Exorcist". There is Pazuzu from "Ultraman", then comics also detail this entity as well. The "trouble maker" is based on Sun Wukong who was said to have a face like a dog, and is defeated by the Buddha. This version of Iblis is shown to look like a dog like beast as well. He is called "Mithras Kronos" and Mithra. Thoth the Baboon is also depicted in the same manner and even "Hanuman" the monkey God, to which Sun Wukong is based on. He would be known as "Yama", "Angra Mainyu" and "Hades" as they connect to the dog symbology. Then there is the movie called "Sleepwalkers" as the antagonist can shapeshift into an animal resempbling these entities. Very interesting connections to "Yaldabaoth" as the "Lord of the Underworld". 

Now, let's recap on the story of Sun Wukong, and connect him to the Biblical "Red dragon" and other myths. Based from the Wiki states this: 

According to Journey to the West, the Monkey King is born from a strong magic stone that sits atop theMountain of Flowers and Fruit. This stone is no ordinary stone, however, because it receives the nurture of heaven (yang), which possesses a positive nature, and earth (yin), which possesses a negative nature, and thus is able to produce living beings (according toTaoistphilosophies). The stone develops a magic womb, which bursts open one day to produce a stone egg about the size of a ball.

When the wind blows on the egg, it turns into a stone monkey that can already crawl and walk. As his eyes move, two beams of golden light shoot toward the Jade palace and startle theJade Emperor. When he sees the light he orders two of his officers to investigate. They report the stone monkey, and that the light is dying down as the monkey eats and drinks. The Jade Emperor believes him to be nothing special.

On the mountain, the monkey joins a group of other wild monkeys. After playing, the monkeys regularly bathe in a stream. One day, they decide to seek the source of the stream and climb the mountain to a waterfall. They declare that whoever goes through the waterfall, finds the stream's source, and comes out again will become their king. The stone monkey volunteers and jumps into the waterfall.

He finds a large iron bridge over rushing water, across which is a cave. He persuades the other monkeys to jump in also, and they make it into their home. Sun Wukong then reminds them of their prior declaration, so they declare him their king. He takes the throne and calls himself Handsome Monkey King (美猴王). This happiness does not last. When one of his older monkey friends dies, the Monkey King is very upset. He decides to strike out from his island on a self-made raft, in search of an Immortal to teach him how to beat death.

He comes ashore and wanders around. Humans see him and flee, uncertain of his ape-like appearance. He takes some clothes that were left out to dry, and continues on foot. His face hidden by a hood, he travels through towns and sees many examples of human degeneracy and vice. He continues on and into a forest. The Monkey King hears a Woodcutter singing an interesting song, and when questioning the Woodcutter about the origin he learns it was taught to the Woodcutter by an Immortal who resides in the forest.

The Monkey King comes to the entrance of a temple in which a magical taoist martial artist namedPuti Zushiresides. Puti Zushi initially refuses to let him in, but the Monkey King refuses to leave, and waits outside the entrance for months. Puti Zushi is impressed by the Monkey King's persistence, and allows him to enter. He accepts the Monkey King as a student and teaches him advanced Taoist practices, including the Way of Immortality, which he tells Sun Wukong it was his destiny to know. He later advises Sun Wukong never to needlessly show off his skills, because others might ask him to teach them, and if he does teach them, they may go on to cause trouble, but if he doesn't teach them, they will resent him for it. He then forbids Sun Wukong from ever revealing who it was that taught him, and the loyal Monkey King promises never to reveal the identity of his Master. With that, Sun Wukong wakes up to find himself back in the forest, realizing that the many years he spent learning the Way had taken place in some form of compressed time trance. Later, whenever Sun Wukong is asked about his powers and skills, he honestly replies that he learned everything in his dreams.

After the Monkey King returns, he learns that a demon called the Demon King of Confusion is kidnapping the monkeys of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to use as slaves. He subsequently kills the demon and his minions, saving the kidnapped monkeys. He also brings the entire weapon storage of a nearby country for his subjects, but is unable to find a weapon fit for himself. Upon hearing that Dragon Kings possess many treasures, he travels the oceans and finds the palace of a Dragon King. At the entrance Sun Wukong asks for an introduction, but the Dragon KingAo Guangtells his guards to turn him away. Sun Wukong barges in any way, brushing off protests from the guards, insisting the Dragon King must be confused to turn away a fellow King. Inside he introduces himself and encourages the Dragon King to give him a weapon. Quickly realizing Sun Wukong is quite formidable, the Dragon King feigns willingness and hospitality, ordering his underlings to bring out weapon after weapon. Sun Wukong tests each weapon, but none are robust enough for the Monkey King, who is unhappy at the situation. Sun Wukong then acquires the golden-banded staffRuyi Jingu Bang/Ding Hai Shen Zhen (如意金箍棒/定海神针), the stabilizer of the Four Seas and a treasure ofAo Guang, thedragon-kingof the Eastern Seas. The Monkey King is the only creature strong enough to wield the staff-like weapon and there is an instant affinity between them. The golden-banded staff can change its size, elongate, fly, and attack opponents according to its master's will. It weighs 13,500jīnor 7960kg. When not wielding the weapon, the Monkey King shrinks it down to the size of a sewing needle and stores it in his ear.

In addition to taking the magical staff, the Monkey King encourages the Dragon King to gift him attire fit for a King. The Dragon King calls upon the other major Dragon Kings for assistance to source this for Sun Wukong, and they arrive and give Sun Wukong a goldenchain mailshirt (鎖子黃金甲), aphoenix-feather cap (鳳翅紫金冠Fèngchìzǐjinguān), and cloud-walking boots (藕絲步雲履Ǒusībùyúnlǚ). Thephoenix-feather cap was one of the treasures of thedragon kings, a circlet of red gold adorned with phoenix feathers. Traditionally, it is depicted as a metal circlet with two striped feathers attached to the front, presumably the signature plumage of the Fenghuang or Chinese phoenix. Sun Wukong thanks the Dragon Kings and leaves happy.

Upon his return to the mountain, Wukong demonstrates the new weapon to his monkey tribe and draws the attention of other beastly powers, who seek to ally with him. He forms afraternity, theSeven Sages(七聖), with theBull Demon King(牛魔王), the Saurian Demon King (蛟魔王), the Single-horned Demon King (单角魔王), theRocDemon King (鵬魔王), the Lion Spirit King (獅狔王), theMacaqueSpirit King (獼猴王)--not to be mistaken for theSix Eared Macaque--and thesnub-nosed monkeySpirit King (禺狨王).

The Monkey King, now sentenced to death for extorting the Dragon Kings, then defies Hell's attempt to collect his soul. He wipes his name out of the Book of Life and Death, a collection of books claimed to have every name of every mortal alive and the ability to manipulate lifespan, along with the names of all monkeys known to him. The Dragon Kings and theKings of Hellreport him once again to theJade Emperor.[3]The heavenly army uses everything, even trying to erase him from existence altogether, but ultimately fail.

Hoping that a promotion and a rank amongst the gods will make him more manageable, the Jade Emperor invites the Monkey King to Heaven. The Monkey King believes he is receiving an honorable place as one of the gods as he is told he will be made 'Protector of the Horses' (a fancy term the Heavens coined for a stable-boy), the lowest job in heaven. When he discovers the importance of status in Heaven, and how he has been given the lowest position, the Monkey King sets the Cloud Horses free from the stable, then returns to his own kingdom and proclaims himself The Great Sage, Heaven's Equal.

The Heavens reluctantlyrecognize his self-proclaimed titleafterGold Staradvises the Jade Emperor against rushing into military action against the 'brash, rude and impudent' monkey, warning that failing to defeat Monkey would harm the reputation of Heaven. Gold Star advises the Jade Emperor to superficially appease Sun Wukong's vanity while treating him as a pet, and invite him back to Heaven to keep him from causing trouble on earth. The Jade Emperor agrees after Gold Star laughs that, in reality, the fanciful title is a meaningless joke revealing Sun Wukong's overconfidence and ignorance to the important workings of Heaven.

Sun Wukong suspects a trap but is happy when Gold Star, acting as an envoy, addresses him as Great Sage Equal of Heaven and presents him with official papers. Gold Star tells Sun Wukong he's been granted a far more important position as 'Guardian of the Heavenly Peach Garden,' which peach-loving Sun Wukong accepts. Later, when seven heavenly maidens are sent by the Queen Mother Xi Wangmuto pluck peaches for the Royal Banquet, Sun Wukong discovers every important god and goddess has been invited to the banquet except for him. When he tells the maidens he is Great Sage Equal of Heaven, the maidens giggle, replying that everyone in Heaven knows he is merely an immortal who tends to the peach garden. The Monkey King's indignation then turns to open defiance.

During the preparations for the Royal Banquet, Sun Wukong sneaks in to taste the fine foods and drink royal wine. In a tipsy state, the Monkey King roams Heaven while all the gods and goddesses are on their way to the banquet. He reaches high levels of the palace that the authorities of Heaven leave unguarded, for they can only be accessed by deities of the highest and purest spiritual power. Upon realizing that he is at the top of the 33 layers of the heavenly palace, Sun Wukong steals and consumes Laozi'sPills of Immortality and Xi Wangmu's Peaches of Immortality, takes the remainder of the Jade Emperor's royal wine, and then escapes back to his kingdom in preparation for his rebellion.

The Jade Emperor refuses to accept Gold Star's counsel to find another peaceful way to deal with Sun Wukong and orders his forces to mobilize. Laughing continuously and fully enjoying himself, and with a combination of martial prowess, guile, and quick-witted creative responses to many different types of powerful Heavenly weapons used against him, the Monkey King single-handedly defeats the Army of Heaven's 100,000 celestial warriors, all 28 constellations,Nezha, and all of theFour Heavenly Kings. Then Guanyin, the Boddhisattva of Mercy and her discipleMuzha/Moksha arrive. Guanyin sends Muzha to inspect the situation and fight Sun Wukong. Muzha is defeated, then Guanyin suggests the Jade Emperor's nephew Erlang Shenfight Wukong. Wukong and Erlang are evenly matched and eventually both turn into terrifying figures, which scares Wukong's monkey army away. Sun Wukong is disheartened and turns into a fish to run away, then both of them keep shapeshifting to turn into more powerful things than the other, finally Laozi throws his Diamond Jade ring at Wukong from behind while he is fighting, knocking him senseless and enabling Erlang to bind him up.

After several failed attempts at execution, Sun Wukong is locked into Laozi'seight-way trigramcruciblefor 49 days in order to be distilled into an elixir bysamadhifires; this will allow Laozi to regain his pills of longevity. The fire of the crucible is hot enough to burn beings of so much unspeakable power, they rival Buddha himself.

However, when the cauldron is opened 49 days later, the Monkey King jumps out, having survived by hiding in a corner marked by the wind trigram, where there was less fire. In fact, the heat from the samadhi fires have reinforced his bodily frame, making him stronger than ever before and impervious to greater damage. The heat also gives him a new ability; the Monkey King can now recognize evil with his newhuǒyǎn-jīnjīng(火眼金睛,lit.'fiery eyes and golden pupils'). Sun Wukong then proceeds to destroy the crucible and makes his way to Heaven's main chamber to confront the Jade Emperor and his senior advisors.

The Jade Emperor and the authorities of Heaven appeal to the Buddha, who arrives from his temple in the West in person. After listening to Sun Wukong, who makes a case that he should be the new Jade Emperor, the Buddha makes a bet that the Monkey King cannot escape from his palm. The Monkey King smugly accepts the bet. He leaps and flies all the way to the edge of the universe. Seeing nothing there but five towering pillars, the Monkey King believes that he has reached the ends of all existence.

To prove his trail, he marks a pillar with a phrase declaring himself the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and urinates on the middle pillar. He then leaps back and returns to Buddha's palm to claim his victory in winning the bet. Sun Wukong is then very surprised to find that the five "pillars" he found are merely fingers of the Buddha's hand, finding it impossible to believe. When the Monkey King tries to escape the palm, Buddha turns his hand into a mountain of rocks, sending Sun Wukong hurtling back down to earth.

Before the Monkey King can lift the mountain off, the Buddha seals him there, using a paper talisman bearing the mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, in gold letters. The Monkey King remains imprisoned in stocks for five hundred years to 'learn patience and humility, with only his head and hands protruding from the base of the mountain. The Buddha arranges two earth spirits to feed the Monkey King iron pellets when he is hungry, and molten copper when he is thirsty.

(Again, this is based on the apparent Red Dragon, but based on this being called "Enoch" or Thoth who went up to Heaven is based on the dog looking or baboon headed Thoth. This all connects to this Nag Hammadi story)

Then comes the story of the "One legged One" in the RedHorn story. This story details some interesting connections to the fall of the Devil. 

"The first incarnation of the chief of the devils, Herešgúnina, was called "One Legged One," since Earthmaker had created him with just one leg, and that was flat.1Others say that Earthmaker, from his place atop the sky, made him as the first man. When he was finished, he set him by the sun at its zenith to dry, but the excessive heat caused one of his legs to crack and fall off. Yet others say that Earthmaker dropped him and the leg broke off when he hit the earth.2

Originally, he lived with his adopted sister in a hill after the fashion of Waterspirits. She was abducted by buffalo because she allowed herself to be fooled by Trickster while One Legged One was away looking for a wife. The buffalo squeezed her waist so thin by carrying her between their horns that One Legged One made her the spirit chief of the ants.

It was One Legged One under the name Wareksankeka(< Wareksągéga,"He whose Upper Leg has been Cut [Off]."), who opposed Bladder, killing all of his brothers except the youngest, whom he whipped with a thorn bush.4Bladder, whom Earthmaker created to overcome the evil spirits plaguing mankind, hunted down One Legged One and eventually killed him by smashing him to pieces with a single kick,5or by pushing his body aside after beheading him. The youngest brother, who wounded One Legged One, turned out to be Morning Star.6As was only known to a few, when Bladder pushed One Legged One's body to the side during their beheading context, his head became the solar disk, which continually rebounds from east to west.

Then comes the story of Erlik Khan and his descension to Earth:

Erlik, Erlig, Erlik Khan, Erleg or Yerleg(Hungarian mythology equivalent to Ördög) is the god of death and the underworld, sometimes referred to asTamag(hell) inTurkic mythology.Er(oryer) meansEarth, in the depths of which Erlik lives in.[1]From the underworld, Erlik brings forth death, plague and evil spirits to torment humans and take their souls into his realm. Since Tengrism is not based on a written corpus but encompasses the experienced spiritual life of Turkic people, there are no unanimous beliefs among all Turkic people. Erlik has already been mentioned in the Orkhon writings and shows a consistent pattern as the lord of the underworld among Turkic belief systems.

In the Turkic mythology, Erlik was involved in the creation of humanity.[3]He slew the messenger-god, Maidere/Maydere, and is a teacher of sin. He is sometimes represented by a totemic bear.

In Turkic mythology, Erlik was the deity of evil, darkness, lord of the lower world and judge of the dead. Erlik is a brother of Ülgen, they both have been created from Kayra (Tengere Kayra Khan).[4]He wants to be equal to Ulgen, he makes his own land and was sent to the prison at the 9th layer of the earth and became opposed to the upper world, the realm of light. According to theKhakas, Erlik resides in the deepest underworld in a palace ofcopperwith furniture made ofgold.[5]

According to an Altai legend, Erlik created the spirits(İye) while he was still in heaven. Erlik and his spirits were cast out and fell to earth together when he claimed divinity for himself.[6] Another legend of the Altai people recorded states, God (Tengri) endowed Erlik with a hammer and an anvil, but took his power away when Erlik was creating evil with it.[7] 

According to another legend, recorded by Vasily Radlov, God ordered the first human to dive into the primordial water and remove a handful of soil from the bottom of the sea. The first human, however, desired to hide some soil in order to create his own world later. But the soil in his mouth grew and he spit it out.Kayra, who designs the world in this legend, cast the first human away from the heavenly realm as means of punishment and thus named himErlik.[8]

In yet another narrative, people have been immortal before the advent of Erlik. People and animals overpopulated the world, until a crow suggested to summon Death into the world. So people summoned Erlik, whereupon death enters. First, all people knew when they would die, and so they lived in fear, until Tengri hide their date of death.[9]

The evil spirits created by Erlik cause misfortune, sickness and death to mankind. These spirits are imagined as Erlik's assistants. Besides these, his nine sons and daughters help their father in the way of evil. Erlik's daughters especially try to change a shaman's mind while he is attempting to reach Ulgen with their beauties. Erlik gives all kinds of sickness and wants sacrifices from the people. If they do not sacrifice to him, he catches the dead bodies of the people that he killed and takes them away to this lower world and then makes them his slaves. So, especially in the Altays, when sickness appears, people become scared of Erlik and make many animal sacrifices to him.[3]

In the prayers of shamans, Erlik is described as a monster, having the face and teeth of a pig combined with a human body. Besides his face, he is an old man with a well-built body, black eyes, eyebrows and mustache.

(This details how this God connects to Mahakala and "Yama" the Lord of Hell. Mahakala means "The Great Black One" and links to Osiris. The God with the third eye is shown to connect to the Chitauri story and how they would have a third eye on their foreheads. Everything connects together) Based from this excerpt from "Iblis" states this:

"Iblis is said to had four wings. After he was cursed, his form turned from that of an Angel into a devil. God transformed his neck to that of a pig, and his head into that of a camel. His eyes are stretched all over his face, and canines the fangs of a boar. From his beard, only seven hairs grow." This pertains to "Mithras Kronos" or "Mithra" as the lion God is based on the dog or baboon faced entity. It's noted that the term "pig faced" is where the Legend of Zelda villain called Ganondorf" is shown in the same way. Seems like there is truth shown in the entertainment world...

Now, based on what can be stated on the Monkey King, there is the story of the Anzu Bird, Zu or Imdugud, to which is depicted as having a face of a lion with bird wings. Based from the wiki states this:

"Anzû, also known asdZûandImdugud, is a monster in several Mesopotamian religions. He was conceived by the pure waters of the Apsu and the wide Earth, or as son ofSiris.[1]Anzû was depicted as a massive bird who can breathe fire and water, although Anzû is alternately depicted as a lion-headed eagle."

"Stephanie Dalley, in Myths from Mesopotamia, writes that "theEpic of Anzuis principally known in two versions: an Old Babylonian version of the early second millennium [BC], giving the hero as Ningirsu; and 'The Standard Babylonian' version, dating to the first millennium BC, which appears to be the most quoted version, with the hero as Ninurta". However, the Anzu character does not appear as often in some other writings, as noted below."

"The name of the mythological being usually called Anzû was actually written in the oldest Sumerian cuneiform texts as𒀭𒉎𒈪𒄷(AN.IM.MIMUŠEN; the cuneiform sign𒄷, orMUŠEN, in context is an ideogram for "bird"). In texts of the Old Babylonian period, the name is more often found. In 1961, Landsberger argued that this name should be read as "Anzu", and most researchers have followed suit. In 1989, Thorkild Jacobsen noted that the original reading of the cuneiform signs as written (giving the name "dIM.dugud") is also valid, and was probably the original pronunciation of the name, with Anzu derived from an early phonetic variant. Similar phonetic changes happened to parallel terms, such asimdugud (meaning "heavy wind") becomingansuk. Changes like these occurred by evolution of theimtoan(a common phonetic change) and the blending of the newnwith the following d, which was aspirated asdh, a sound which was borrowed into Akkadian as zors.[3]

It has also been argued based on contextual evidence and transliterations on cuneiform learning tablets, that the earliest, Sumerian form of the name was at least sometimes also pronounced Zu, and that Anzu is primarily the Akkadian form of the name. However, there is evidence for both readings of the name in both languages, and the issue is confused further by the fact that the prefix𒀭(AN) was often used to distinguish deities or even simply high places. AN.ZU could therefore mean simply "heavenly eagle".

In Sumerian and Akkadian mythology, Anzû is a divine storm-bird and the personification of the southern wind and the thunder clouds.[4]This demon—half man and half bird—stole the "Tablet of Destinies" from Enlil and hid them on a mountaintop. Anu ordered the other gods to retrieve the tablet, even though they all feared the demon. According to one text, Marduk killed the bird; in another, it died through the arrows of the god Ninurta."

Remember the movie "Curse of the Demon" or "Night of the Demon". The demon also resembles the dog or simian like creature to which haunts people. This is the same entity. Based from the Wiki states this: 

Plot: "In England, Professor Harrington begs his rival, Dr. Julian Karswell, to rescind a curse he inflicted on him; in return, Harrington will cease his investigation into Karswell's Satanic cult. After learning that a parchment he gave Harrington has been destroyed, Karswell promises to do what he can. As Harrington arrives home, he perceives a gigantic demon in the trees. Harrington tries to escape in his car but crashes into power lines. The authorities declare electrocution as the cause of death."

"Dr. John Holden arrives in Britain to attend a convention at which Harrington had intended to expose Karswell's cult. He is informed that the only link between Harrington's death and Karswell's cult is a man suspected of murder, Rand Hobart, who has fallen into a catatonic stupor. While Harrington's collaborators consider the possibility of supernatural forces, Holden rejects such an option. Holden meets Karswell at the Reading Room of the British Museum."

"When a rare book that Holden requests goes missing, Karswell offers to show Holden his own copy at his mansion. At Harrington's funeral, Holden meets Harrington's niece, Joanna. She gives him Harrington's diary, which details Harrington's fear of Karswell's power. Holden remains sceptical, but goes with Joanna to Karswell's mansion the next day. When a strong windstorm abruptly starts, Karswell claims to have created it with a spell."

"When Holden mocks him, Karswell claims that Holden will die in three days. Holden and his colleagues discuss Karswell and make plans to examine Rand Hobart. Holden goes to dinner with Joanna and she shows him her uncle's diary. Harrington's diary mentions a parchment with runic writing on it that was passed to him by Karswell, and Holden finds a similar parchment that Karswell secretly passed to him at the library. A powerful wind comes through the window, blowing the parchment from his fingers towards the fireplace, only to be stopped by a fire screen. Holden recovers and pockets it. Holden visits Hobart's family to seek permission to hypnotise Hobart and find out about the death he is suspected of."

"The mother gives her consent but says that the family are "believers." As Holden leaves, the parchment is blown from his hand. Hobart's family becomes fearful and declares Holden to be "chosen." Later, Holden compares the parchment's runes to ones inscribed on the nearby stone circle at Stonehenge. Joanna takes Holden to a séance at the invitation of Karswell's mother. A medium claims to channel Harrington, who tells them that Karswell has the key to reading the runes in his copy of the rare book."

"After Holden abruptly exits, dismissing the séance as nonsense, Joanna says she intends to search for the key and they drive to Karswell's mansion. Holden breaks into the house while she waits outside. Inside, he is attacked by a cat that seems to morph into a panther. Holden is rescued by Karswell entering and switching on the light, saying he knew Holden would come. Against Karswell's warning, Holden leaves through the woods, and believes he is chased by a cloud of smoke and fire before escaping. Under hypnosis, the suspect Hobart reveals to Holden that he was "chosen" to die by having a runic parchment passed to him, but avoided death by passing it back to the person who had given it to him. When Holden shows Hobart the parchment he had received from Karswell, Hobart thinks he is trying to give it to him. He becomes hysterical and jumps through a window to his death. Holden learns Karswell is taking a train to Southampton, and on the train discovers that he has kidnapped and hypnotised Joanna. As the time for Holden's predicted death draws near, the train stops at the next station, and Karswell tries to leave."

"Holden manages to sneak the parchment into Karswell's coat pocket, and when Karswell finds it, it flies from his hand. He chases it down the tracks, but as he reaches it the parchment combusts. As an oncoming train approaches, the demon manifests and attacks Karswell. When his corpse is found by the tracks, the police believe that he was struck and dragged by the train. Holden, instead of going to inspect the body, departs with Joanna."

Now, based on said images of "Pazuzu" or "Yladabaoth", it then becomes easier to know and understand the Nag Hammadi Scripture to the full extent. It seems that when they "apparently" found the scriptures in a cave of sorts, I kept thinking how it's very suspicious that they would suddenly find it in such a way. It made me think that they wanted people to find this, and in their stead just made the story up just make it believable. Now, there are certain parts do detail the truth to which I make the connections, however, there is more to this.

One example is the story of the "Trouble maker". This story is basically the story of Sun Wukong creating havoc in Heaven, until the Buddha comes and defeats the entity. In one sense it's "Thoth" the Baboon dog faced God who gets defeated by the bird God "Thoth", or the "fiery angel" which is based on God Agni. This Thoth that is a "dog-faced" baboon connects to Yaldabaoth as the "trouble maker" story. So, whoever wrote this segment from the Nag Hammadi probably had no idea of their connections to each other.

Then comes the Archons that had supposedly created mankind from the Earth, as we are told in all these religions and myths. Let's recap on this chapter from the Nag Hammadi: The Reality of the Rulers (The Hypostasis of the Archons) on this specific excerpt:

"...The rulers laid plans and said, “Come, let us create a human that will be soil from the earth.” They modeled their creature as one wholly of the earth. The rulers have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts. They took some soil from the earth and modeled their man, after their body and after the image of god that had appeared to them in the waters."

Now, based from understanding the situation, the Angel that comes forth to defeat the opposing forces or as the story states the "breath" of Sophia, is based on the God of fire as "Red Horn" battling these monsters and other Extraterrestrial forces. This is why I had stated in "The Lord of Sirius 2" that when you see Michael battling this entity in the form of a dog-like beast, it's shown He or She to be the "lords of Sirius" as connecting to Osiris, Dionysus and Anubis. This is also Credo Mutwa's Chitauri story come in as the Nommo meeting the Dogons, is based on the apparent intervention of some race to Earth (after the great war). Here you see those images of Michael defeating the Lord of Sirius (in this symbolism), who is known as Bacchus, Anubis and Osiris. 

Then based from these stories like the "Nommo" is shown to be either amphibian entities, then to reptilians, or to demonic looking creatures. Now, the faces of these entities is shown to look like "Gargoyles", to which is why "Yaldabaoth" is shown to look either like a lion or a dog with a serpent's body. He is shown to be the same entity as the "Anzu bird" and "Tiamat". Now, you don't have to look very far on how this these images on the Gargoyles do have "dog-like features" even to the dragon images in Asia and Meso america. There is this strange connection between the dog, monkey and the dragon  with "chimera like" symbolism all belonging to Dagon. Xolotl the dog headed God was depicted as the "fire bringer" to mankind, thus connecting to the fall of the Dragon or Dog headed God. Xolotl is linked to Osiris, Anubis, Shiva to Dagon.

Now, I came across a movie called "Gargoyles" from 1972, and it detailed the Gargoyles as reptilian looking with beaks like the "Kappa" from Japan. I also noticed that there appearances would look more "amphibian" looking with crested heads. Very interesting depictions. It seems very close to the description of the Archons that is stated in the Nag Hammadi. Above you can see the Gargoyle like fish creature with breast, thus detailing the androgynous aspect. Here is what the Wiki states on this subject:

Plot: "Dr. Mercer Boley and his daughter Diana are traveling in New Mexico for his scientific research. They are shown a skeleton of a large creature with wings and horns at a place called Uncle Willie's Desert Museum. Dr. Boley dismisses it as a hoax assembled from unrelated bones, but Uncle Willie insists that he found the bones together as a whole skeleton. While Uncle Willie tells them tales of demons from American Indian folklore, an unseen force attacks the building, causing a rafter to collapse and kill the proprietor, and starting a fire that consumes the building."

"Dr. Boley and Diana escape with the horned skull and take it to a motel. The next morning they report to the police and return to the site of the fire. There they find a group of young men, James Reeger and four others, riding motorcycles around the ruins. The police arrest them on suspicion of causing the fire, against the advice of the Boleys. That night, two gargoyles, appearing much smaller than the skeleton and without horns or wings, invade the motel room to retrieve the skull."

"Dr. Boley chases them to the road where one is struck and killed by a truck and the other gets away with the skull. Boley takes the body back to the room. The alcoholic hotelier, Mrs. Parks, complains but Diana tries to assure her that it was only a family argument. Diana returns to the police station and pleads for the bikers' innocence but the police refuse to release them. She tells Reeger about the dead gargoyle but does not mention it to the police even though it would prove their innocence, apparently because her father wants it for study. She returns to the motel. Two slightly larger gargoyles return to recover the gargoyle body, but the Boleys escape with it through the window and stow it in their station wagon."

"The gargoyles rip the passenger door off and kidnap Diana, then overturn the car rendering Dr. Boley unconscious. The gargoyles take Diana to their cave, where they have many eggs. She meets the gargoyle leader, who is larger and has wings and horns like the skeleton. He tells Diana that they have only been alive for a few weeks after a 500-year incubation, and that humans have repeatedly killed them off in the past, but he vows that they will survive this time."

"He has several of Dr. Boley's books, apparently also taken from the car, and insists that Diana read to him. As she reads a passage that describes a mythical encounter between a human female and a demon who molests her, the leader approaches from behind and startles her, but assures her that he has no interest in humans. Dr. Boley convinces the police to release the bikers and search for Diana, and Reeger joins them. Mrs. Parks and her helper drive away to get assistance, but the search party later finds her pickup truck empty and bloodied, and her body hanging upside down from a telephone pole with no sign of the helper."

"The gargoyle leader has a queen, who also has wings, and she informs him that "men, horses, and dogs" are approaching the cave, and that many more eggs will hatch the next day. The leader orders that the humans must be stopped in the desert. Over a dozen gargoyles charge the humans and both sides have casualties. The leader takes Dr. Boley to the cave and vows that "this is the end of your age, the beginning of mine."

"The queen appears jealous of the leader's attention to Diana, and she leads Dr. Boley to his daughter and lets them escape. Reeger douses the eggs with gasoline but is attacked by several gargoyles before he can get away, so he lights the fuel and sacrifices himself. When the leader realizes that his war is once again lost, Dr. Boley bludgeons the queen's wing with a rock so she cannot fly, and so the leader must carry her away. He flies away with her to create a new nest somewhere."

In the beginning of this show, details how the Gargoyles are Satan's angels that was cast down to the earth. Here are some depictions....

Then you can see the "crest" on this God, to which the Tibetans, the Hawaiians, Romans and the Dogons depict their head dresses as having a crest. Now, this "crest" is shown on the reptilian entities and on Pazuzu the dog headed God, and based from Nag Hammadi sources details these entities to look androgynous (Hence the fake breast on the Dogons). The reptilian God that is shown on these heart sacrifice pictures, is also shown having this crest. Pazuzu is shown having a serpent on him in the sameway as this entity being sacrificed to in Ancient America. The "phallus" the is erected was also shown on the Anzu bird as well, thus revealing that this is Bacchus, Shiva and Osiris, who is known for the Shiva lingam. The movie "Tommy Knockers" depicts the aliens with crest. Even the "Wizard of Oz" details the Monkey with wings and having a "crest" on the head. Whoever made the monkey in this fashion most likely knows the Occult symbolism of this movie...

Now, based on Sophia Pistis and the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, I can tell just like the Book of Enoch, it has also been corrupted in some ways. The stories of the battle between the Gods, and how the Goddess blew the "fiery angel" against them, is based on Michael the Archangel defeating the opposing forces. However, these stories are repeated as the apparent "trouble maker" and Yaldabaoth are really one and the same, to which the battle is then repeated twice in the segment. In any case, what becomes consistent is based on the Satan looking like a dog or simian entity are mere symbolism to which connects to the Dragon God in the Bible (Though I think very much exaggerated). Based from "The Lord of Sirius" chapters, shows the connection of the black stone symbolism to Artemis and Bacchus. Then based from the works of Godfrey Higgins' "The Anacalypsis" and Robert Temple's "The Sirius Mystery", these symbolism are giving hints as to what they are, and how they connect to Osiris as the Black God Dagon. 

I also see that based on the issue of race, there are significant resemblance as those that have have features like that of the bird are referred to the Garuda , whereas those that resemble the Dragon or "dragon faced", are referred to the Naga. Then of course the racial intermingling that occurred throughout the centuries. But as far as books like the Rig Vedas and J.A. Rogers book "Nature knows no color" states, there were battles between the Aryans and the Nagas and the interracial mixing as explained in the Mahabarata, details in the Bible that One God would be against the intermingling of his people with those nations that worship the other Gods. The reason in Genesis states "Let us make man in our image" details that God or the Gods would make the already existed hominids called "man" and then formed to their image, doesn't mean everybody is the same. 

Now, the battle of the Gods would be synonymous to Azazil being sent to destroy the Jinn or Rakshasas, and Red Horn being sent to destroy the  red haired Giants (Jinn), water spirits, and other evil spirits. In the paintings that show "Michael" defeating these spirits was also called "Azazil". This story is based on the battle of Zhurong (fire bird God) and Gonggong (water dragon God), as the fire God battles against the water dragon god for the dominion of the Heavens. It's shown that just as there are two beings called "Enoch" or "Thoth", there are two beings that are being confused as "Iblis". Based from the pics would detail Iblis as having black skin to having a simian looking features like that of Sun Wukong or Baboon Thoth, but that is based on symbolism to Sirius. However, the one that Muslims would call Iblis or Azazil as the one who battles against the Jinn race is not the same entity as shown being defeated and coming to Earth. Even though the Islamic story would connect to this scenario, however, the entities are then confused as Azazil or Iblis battling the Jinn is not Satan, but the Biblical Michael the Archangel and the Ho-Chunk "Red Horn". It's shown the defeated Tiamat is based on the fallen Goddess Artemis, who is Diana of the Ephesians. It becomes evident that there are other Extraterrestrials and their influences, though I see them intertwined with the religions. Regardless, it becomes a fact that the Black Gods worship is shown and is still in effect of being ordained to this day.